I have been watching for many months as world conditions continue to worsen. The daily news networks consistently report on events that not only promote fear but create fear through media manipulation. The result is an atmosphere of fear, distrust and unease.
I have long been an advocate of peace and balance in my life and though I have not always succeeded in maintaining that peace, I can stand back and place things in perspective.
When fear gets the upper hand in my life and I recognize what has happened I begin to list possible reasons for that fear.
Have I placed my trust in man’s imperfect system?
Have I watched a program that may have triggered my insecurity?
Have I listened to a friend or a family members fear and subconsciously allowed that negative energy to take over?
Has my own lack of trust in my inner knowing been compromised?
Has my lack of trust in my heavenly beings and guides been weakened?
When I finish this review process, I am usually able to target the cause and remedy the symptom.
There are times when I am not able to find the cause and this leads me to another more sinister cause.
We have located in our brain, a gland that is responsible for our fear or flight response. It is called the Amygdala. It is almond sized and is an inch beneath our temples.
Scientific research has shown that this gland can be manipulated to trigger a fear or flight response. When this happens, our normal thinking processes are disturbed and altered.
This knowledge has been used to control us for many thousands of years.
If I can create a sense of fear in your life, I can control your actions for my own purpose.
Unscrupulous entities have used this means to create the energy of fear, upon which they feed.
The myth of Vampires has basis in truth. There are those who use this fear to sustain themselves.
Government entities use this knowledge to control the masses of people who depend on news outlets for their information.
Religions use this fear of death and hell to build their membership and followers.
What if I told you that there is a simple way to negate this trigger?
Would it be something that would make a difference in your life?
Well, here it is ...
Imagine a light switch, you know the kind that toggle up or down.
Now in your minds eye, flip that switch.
That’s it!
Simple as that!
Now, how are you going to remain in a state of peace?
I am not blind to the disturbing evidence that swirls around us each day. The wars and death and dishonesty and downright wicked behavior of people, corporations, governments and religions stir the pot of fear to keep us in their control, but we can fight back.
Make sure the switch is off.
Start reviewing the good things in your life. The family ties, the heavenly miracles, gifts from the universe, lessons learned, wisdom gained, natures beauty, the awe and wonder of the heavens above, the unconditional love from our pets, a forgiving friend, or any of countless little things that happen every day.
Turn off mainstream media and quiet your mind by turning off the noise and chatter of the world.
Stop multitasking and enjoy one thing at a time.
If computers, phone or TV has taken over your life, begin to cut back until the addiction has been broken. These things are meant to be tools to help us, not control us.
When fear no longer controls us, we are truly free to choose and make the life that we dream and hope to achieve.
Do it now.
Wise counsel... Lovely!