The waiting game
You know the game, at least you think you do.
It is the game of life.
You were taught the rules by your family, school and society.
What you didn’t know is that you bought into a system that is based on ego, greed, and getting ahead.
But getting ahead of who and what?
Are you truly happy in a competitive world where it is acceptable to cheat to get ahead, to be part of a system that is based on a false premise?
What is this keep up with the Jones’ business?
I know far too many people who are placing their happiness and security in all the wrong places.
Are you?
Do you really have security in a portfolio of miscellaneous numbers held in some bank server?
Are there truly any sure bets when it comes to your life’s saving?
How long are you going to wait before you begin to live the life you long for?
Just a few more years?
In the recent past, how many bank failures or stock market crashes have there been?
Are you you willing to bet that your future is secured by a failing government or a business that is based on greed at the expense of others?
How long do you have before your game of life is over?
If only I could pay off my debts and get back on top of things.
If only I could get a raise, then everything would be ok.
If only my partner would change, then I would be happy.
In my conversations with people I have listened as they describe the various conditions that rule their lives.
I hear the longing in their words to find a better life where they can finally be happy.
All too often we focus on all the wrong things, the injustice that we suffer, the pains and aches that life offers as a reward to our hard work.
Take a few minutes and watch those around you.
Sit in a restaurant or shopping mall and observe people.
You can tell those who are happy, those who are carrying the burdens of the world on their shoulders, and those who are carefree.
It is reflected in their faces, in their countenance, and in their spirits.
If you observe long enough, you will even begin to feel and sense their thoughts.
Each year we watch and wait for the perfect moment to take that vacation, write that book, clean out that attic, or any number of things that are on “that” list.
Today is “that” day.
Wait no longer!
Let the “Jones’” go.
There will always be someone who is smarter, younger, faster, richer or any other number of things.
Peace of mind begins in the mind, with your thoughts and self talk.
Here are “my” rules for a happy life.
Don’t accumulate too much “stuff.”
If you haven’t used your “stuff” in a year you need to think about passing it on or getting rid of it.
If you haven’t used your “stuff” in two years you definitely need to pass it on or get rid of it.
Better yet have a “give away” and bless the lives of those who truly need your “stuff.”
Wake each morning and make a conscious choice to be happy.
Look at life’s challenges as an opportunity to fine tune your path.
Look for life’s little road signs and pay attention to what the universe is telling you. Ignoring the “caution” signs, invite accidents and major road blocks.
Be at peace with your life.
Give gratitude for the lessons learned.
Let the resentment and blame go.
Know that you are the master of your own life and everything that has happened to you has been for a reason.
And above all wait no more.
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