Heirloom or Hybrid
Sitting here by my stove this January I can’t help but be excited by the arrival of this years seed catalogues from the usual companies.
Snow has been non existent so far and the prospects of having enough water the for coming year is on most of our minds here in this rural area.
I recently accepted a part time job helping out at the local grocery store, twice a week the truck arrives from the Ogden warehouse and I have the responsibility to unpack and display the produce.
The same variety of produce shows up most days and I sometimes long for the superstores and their wider choice of fruits and vegetables.
I’ve had it in my mind for the past few years that I would like to get a green house so I have access to year round organic vegetables. I haven’t quite found the right one yet but this may be the year that I make the move.
It’s been 30 years that I made the conscious choice to eat better and take better care of my health. I buy organic when I can and make better choices.
There is a web site called Environmental Study
Group that publishes a dirty dozen list and a clean 15 list that rates the most popular fruits and vegetables. I use that list as my guide when I shop.
This year as I peruse the seed catalogs I am looking for heirloom varieties as they will produce consistent fruit year after year using the seed.
I have also been painfully aware that our society of humanity at large is being attacked by a hoard of enemies, much the same as my garden with bugs and diseases.
This time it is with a hybrid culture that seeks to dilute the human gene pool and create a hybrid human 2.0.
The entertainment industry has been perfecting their attack on us and we have fallen for their sinister agenda.
TV, video and printed media have been attempting to fool us into believing that black is white, up is down, and right is wrong. The disinformation is deafening and I am becoming bombarded by the false and deceptive programing.
No longer can we be assured that men are men and women are women.
The plastic industry has created fake humans who compete in sports with unfair advantages with real men and real women. The same is true in our work place where some are given unfair advance and promotions based on their alphabet code.
The number of gender designations has outgrown the alphabet and exotic names are being given to a new species of human.
Grooming and influencers are attempting and succeeding in converting our young into a lifestyle that will most probably destroy the pure human and create a tribe of hybrids incapable of reproducing, not to mention the psychological and emotional damage.
My choice to plant garden vegetables is to provide me with genuine heirloom vegetables that are delicious and nutritious. Artificial vegetables that are cross bred to create perfect looking, long lasting, are a tasteless result and will not be part of my choice.
I believe that humanity is at a cross roads it is crucial to the future of our society that we make choices that will enable our continued survival.
My orders from the seed catalogues this year will be given much thoughtful contemplation.
What will you choose?
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