Fairies of Joy
You have been wondering why we have made our presence known to you and why we are appearing in such great numbers.
We may be the smallest of birds, but we are powerful beings capable of chasing even the mightiest of eagles.
We remind you to find joy in life, to sing and hum in daily life. These vibrations create an internal massage and are capable of restoring health and balance in your life. Find joy in all you do and sing it out loud.
Many cultures have connected us to the mystical realms.
We are your connection and link to fire and relationships, the past and the future. Even our wing movement in the figure of eight represents infinity and the laws of cause and effect.
We have long bills and tongues and we are able to extract nectar from flowers. We remind you to extract life force energy from the nectar of life around you. You can revitalize your self from the very ethers of the universal life force.
Use this ability to choose from life, the colors and fragrance that will heal you and create the spiritual medicines to heal you and others around you.
You have called us into your physical realm to energize and revitalize you with the very essence of life itself.
Look around you and see the joy and the possibilities that you can create. Remember to use these creative gifts to heal and win hearts in love.
We never walk, we fly everywhere. We are capable of flying high speed at take off. We can stop immediately in mid flight. We can fly backwards. These are abilities that we use to explore the past and draw from the nectars of joy. We will help you to find joy and sweetness in any situation.
Grab joy while you can - as quickly as you can.
We want to remind you to truly enjoy what you are doing, become light as a feather ... life is rich with nectar.
We can help you to find joy and sweetness in any situation.
We have been named for jewels because of our iridescent colors, we are sometimes called the purple crowned fairy and work with the nature devas to enhance and energize the flowers.
We bring you rain, the rainbow and the promise of rain.
You recognized and honored us, we now honor you with our gift of life.
We remind you to watch your intake of sugars, we thrive on these sugars but you must balance your diet with the proper foods.
Be playful in life, bathe often, play in the water, allow the water to cleanse, purify and energize you. Sit in the stream of life and splash. Splash the waters of life on those around you, remind them that life is meant to be joyful and spontaneous.
Get regular and deep sleep and rest, this is necessary so that you do not burn yourself out.
It may be necessary to journey, we sometimes migrate from Alaska to Central America to complete our cycle.
We will help you to accomplish that which seems impossible and we will teach you to find the miracle of joyful living from your own life circumstances.
Joy and peace always from the fairy realm ...