Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Brain Dead

My evening strolls give me an opportunity to reset with nature. Last week on one of these walks I saw 3 different people using toxic sprays to kill weeds and bugs. My patience with these people is Nil. 
During my time at the local Do it Best store I had to deal with brain dead morons who wanted to kill anything that moved or grew. It infuriated me that they were so uncaring. I called the isle where the poisons, pesticides and weed killers were, Death Row. I tried in vain to get the hardware store to stop selling these products. The registers were next to Death Row and I had to smell these toxic substances when ever I worked the registers. I suggested a ventilation fan to clear out the toxic smell and off gassing from all the packaged goods. That suggestion was ignored. I always tried to substitute a gentler less toxic product to customers, but mostly in vain.
All this came flooding back when I watched these uneducated, uncaring neighbors spray toxic poisons.
I confronted one neighbor and asked what she was spraying? 
2-4 D.
        Do you know what's in it?
        Yes, I am from Nebraska.
I asked if she had children or pets? 
I asked if she knew that  2-4 D was used in Viet Nam and caused birth defects? 
I asked if she knew that it could permanently cause DNA damage that could be passed down to her children as well as sicken her dogs? 
Do you know what she said? 
I was in Lava Hot Springs last month soaking in the water, it was glorious. While there I was eating some street food from the big bus next to the park. Great tacos by the way. Anyway, in walked an older woman wearing a Monsanto uniform. I watched as she ordered her food and  then sat next to me waiting for her food. Several minutes passed by in silence then I couldn’t resist any longer. 
How do you like working for Monsanto? 
After a short pause she said it was a good place to work.
What kind of work do you do?  
I service the big trucks that haul dirt. Our plant digs the dirt and it gets sent to another plant. 
I asked was she aware of the toxic nature of Monsanto products? 
She paused before speaking and then feeling more comfortable with our conversation began to reveal that she had only a few years before retirement and will be glad to leave Monsanto. She started unloading on the evil nature of the company and the executives. She is afraid to say anything at work that might get her fired but said as an insider she was watching very carefully.
One of my neighbors last week was spraying Round Up, one of Monsanto’s products.
Do you know what is even worse? 
Two of the people were health care practitioners, one a Hospice Worker and one a Registered Nurse, the last person worked for the Bureau of Land Management.
How is it that people risk permanent DNA damage and lasting health problems by using these products? 
Is It ignorance? 
Or just plain brain dead zombies?
Last week the city of Escalante paid Bulls Eye Pest Control to spray the city lawns. I checked with the owner and found out that the product they were spraying is Suspend SC, an insecticide. I looked up the company website and read the spec sheet. 
“Hazards to humans and domestic animals” is the first statement on the sheet.
I have chickens, bees and my family and I am concerned about my health.
For two days the smell caused me to have burning eyes and burning lungs. The smell still lingers after nearly two weeks. 
I filed a complaint against the city of Escalante for breaking their own city ordinance. 
I am waiting for a response …
What will it take for people to stop killing?
There are alternatives to killer poisons. 
Here is one off the internet …


1 Gallon Vinegar
2 Cups Epson Salt
1/4 Cup Dawn Dish Soap (blue original)

It will kill anything you spray it on. Just mix and spray in the morning after the dew has evaporated. Walk away. Go back after dinner and the  weeds are all gone.

Maybe I’ll spray the neighbors … Nah, they are already brain dead.