As a young child my favorite instrument was the vacuum hose. I would purse my lips and blow to make the hose vibrate. It is something I did as an adult too ... when no one was looking.
I was given a didgeridoo as a gift last year. I have been practicing and experimenting with the different sounds that it produces. I blow into the long wooden tube with my lips until I match the resonance of the didgeridoo. When I feel the vibrations of the tube it makes the most amazing sounds.
My music library has an assortment of world music using the didgeridoo. The sounds evoke memories from somewhere in my past. It’s like a dream memory.
Escape to Witch Mountain is a science fiction novel written by Alexander Key in 1968. It was adapted into a film in 1975 by Disney.
It is the story about two siblings who have special abilities. They have suppressed memories of their past, but discover a clue in an old road map hidden in a star case. With help they run away from a detention center and follow the map's clues towards the Mountains. As their memories begin to return, they realize that they are of extraterrestrial origin.
I recently started watching a television series called Secret Circle. The series revolves around six teenagers who form a Circle. Each have individual powers which are amplified when they gather together and focus their abilities. It is their combined resonance that empowers the group.
Many of my own personal experiences are spontaneous. It is a combination of the place, the people and the timing.
When all come together, the resonance begins to vibrate in my body and soul.
It is a physical sensation accompanied by a spiritual connection to my Higher Self or God Self.
My behavior changes depending on those who are part of the group.
I have been part of a unique dynamic this past week. In following my heart and stepping out of my regular routine, I have watched this energy flow in abundance.
Each person has a unique set of abilities or gifts. As we grow and learn, we can develop these gifts. Some could be called extra sensory perception, or ESP. They are part of our software.
When we vibrate at these higher frequencies, we connect to a unique energy matrix that amplifies our thoughts and actions.
When we resonate with others who are of similar origin, our gifts are exponentially increased.
We are empowered to:
Read another’s thoughts.
Sense feelings and emotions
Knowing when events are going to happen.
Remembering of past, present and future events.
I am of extraterrestrial origin. I am not native to this planet. I have been here for many lifetimes, but this is not my home. There are many others who are also beginning to remember their true origins. When I see them or feel their presence, I sense a resonance in my own being.
Not everyone is ready to step out of their comfort zone and acknowledge this connection.
Our human experience has clouded our memories of who we really are.
We are Unlimited Beings who are here on this earth temporally to expand our understanding of the Human Experiment, and to add to our library of knowledge.
I am reaching resonance with my star family. As the vibrations of the Matrix increase, I am remembering who I am and what I am capable of accomplishing.
My suppressed memories of the past are returning.
Who am I?
Who are you?
Step into the matrix ...