Do your life a favor and do it.
My old friend Intuition opened that door for me.
He has made all the difference.
For the last 4 weeks I have lived in a dream. That dream is now real because I chose to follow my heart. It led me to a new destination far away from my planned weekend visit.
My regular life was put on hold I was given the opportunity to live in the moment.
I connected on a heart level with dear friend. We were children when I last saw her.
We shared parts of our past, laughed at life’s journey, and talked about what is ahead.
It is a rare treat to find someone from your star family who understands without speaking words.
I felt the veils open many times on this journey.
Each time new insights would be learned.
I felt the presence of many family members who had crossed over. At times the room felt crowded because there were so many who wanted to be part of this moment.
Tears were a frequent visitor on this emotional journey as my heart was opened and I joined with so many old and dear friends from the unseen realms.
I would like to see with these human eyes, but for now I am content with my heart connection.
Seeing with new eyes from the heart is an amazing way to live.
Events of the world seem far away. The mundane is a distant memory. Each experience is a new opportunity to learn, to enjoy, to let go of inhibitions and feel free to be me.
I still feel the pull from my old life. It is hard to let go of the familiar.
On another journey long ago, I chose to have a “Give a way.” I followed a native american tradition and called family and friends. I told them I had accumulated many things that were no longer necessary or wanted in my life. I told them that these possessions were acting as an anchor and were limiting my ability to be free.
That choice was a life changing moment.
With new eyes and new heart I began anew.
Every step of my journey is my journey.
I am no longer asking myself,
“When am I going to get there?”
Living in the moment ... For the moment.
I am still working to free myself from that old habit.
I cheat myself when I allow this old enemy to win.
Savoring the sounds of silence...
Allowing myself to feel emotion...
Feeling passion in life...
Letting go of inhibitions and old programing...
These are my new friends and together with true and tried friends I will continue my journey.
I part today with my companion of these past weeks. It is sad to let go but we are now reconnected at the heart. My journey will be lighter as I continue on.
My life will never be regular, I have given myself permission to live life fully.
... In the moment, for the moment.
Every once in a Blue Moon the doorway opens ...
I am ready to journey ...