When the river of life is bright and clear and exciting?
This is being in alignment with the Universe or Self or God.
If this is a time when nothing seems to work for you, it is time to examine your life and path.
The Native Americans have a practice of helping young people find purpose and direction in their lives.
A vision quest is an important time when they connect with the Creator and the guiding spirits who will accompany them on their journey.
It helps them focus on a life path that is in alignment with their Higher Self.
Discovering your spiritual gifts and your path is the most important quest that you can undertake.
Without this understanding you are lost in a world of distractions.
You must undergo this process.
It is a time of quiet reflection, prayer and fasting that will allow you to let go of outer distractions, unhealthy relationships, incorrect career choices, and help you to trust your inner guidance.
Each of us made a choice to be here at this time to blend our spiritual gifts with others and help this planet and her children evolve spiritually.
Before you can fulfill this responsibility you must be able to recognize your own spiritual magnificence, trust in your own inner voice and act on that knowing.
Have you ever gone on a mountain top to find the meaning of your life?
You will not be able to fulfill your destiny unless you are able to discover this knowledge.
There are those among us who are able to assist us in obtaining this information.
Look for them.
They will not be public figures or celebrities, they might even be a neighbor or a friend.
Your path is your path alone. It may be a lonely path or a path that no one else understands.
Understand this:
YOU chose this path long before you came to this earth.
Once you discover and find your path, do not let others distract you.
Be true to your self.
In this, you will find contentment and fulfillment.
When you are in alignment with the Universe, you will see all things in perspective with your path.
You will recognize those that you can help and those who you cannot help.
You will realize that the lessons of life are important steps that the human family experiences.
Do not cheat someone of an important lesson by rescuing them when they need to find the solution themselves.
You will begin to recognize others who are on spiritual journeys.
Your memories from past lives will begin to surface and you will see Synchronicity all around you.
This life is a gift.
Use this life to discover your spiritual gifts and your spiritual path.
In this ... you will find peace and joy.