No matter where you are I will find you ...
This past week my hometown of Escalante hosted the Escalante Canyons Art Fair. There were hundreds of people from all over the country who attended.
Since I live across the street, I had dozens of cars parked in front of my home.
I really don’t mind. It has been a fun week.
They are all gone now, the clean up crews have just about finished, it is back to our normal slow pace, except for one small item.
I bought a charcoal drawing from one of the artists. It is unusual for me to buy a picture, but this one caught my attention.
I stood in front of this picture for long minutes and was mesmerized by the haunting image.
I met the artist, he lives in Hawaii and comes to this area to enjoy our desert and mountain beauty.
He seemed so familiar to me, I told him and he said he felt the same about me.
I can’t say for sure why this picture touches my heart. A past memory?
A glimpse of my future?
I just know that this particular picture has captured my attention.
As I look around my home I can see other objects that reflect my life. The pictures, rocks, drums, feathers, shells, books, and music are me and I am them.
They have been memories of events that have been and are yet to come.
I am normally quiet and reserved and very few really know the real me.
If you look at the things that surround me and my home, you will get a glimpse into my life.
I met an artist this week that may be another piece of my puzzle.
Somehow I knew her and she me.
Part of my spiritual family on the road of life? Probably.
Time will tell.
We talked for hours and hours.
I made another connection with a couple who have a home in here in Utah and another in Maui. They were admiring my home so I invited them in for a hot slice of homemade bread. I showed them around and gave them some organic apples and pears.
They have a caretaker for their home in Maui but who knows what might be in my future.
A new adventure?
I hope so.
The universe has presented me with a new piece in my puzzle. I will have to do my part and hope that I will find where it fits in my life’s picture.
It may be a part of my future.
Does she represent a guardian?
A past life?
A lover?
A life partner?
I often find clues like this.
It is part of my adventure.
Life’s adventure.
It has been like this for the past 20 years and I wouldn’t change a thing.
It works for me.
On another lazy Sunday not too long ago I was sitting on my front porch having a cup of coffee. I watched a small private jet fly over my house, my inner voice said, “Get in your truck and drive out to the airport.”
I have learned to pay attention to this Wise One.
I drove out the highway and watched as the jet came to a stop. Out jumped a woman dressed in plain clothes, there was a 4 wheel drive jeep waiting for her.
As she drove away, my voice said,
“See how easy it would be to have someone fly into your life?”
“Never doubt the future.”
“We will always be close.”
“You will never be alone.”