What do I want to do?
Most of us have been carefully molded and shaped into someone else’s idea of what is proper, right and good.
We have learned how to play the game of life according to established rules of engagement.
The problem is, we no longer feel part of the world at large. It no longer feels good to play in the park by someone else’s rules.
So what do we do?
Give up?
Convince ourselves that we must be the odd ball that the rest of the world ignores or self medicate to placate us to a place of surrender?
I find myself continually morphing into a new place of being.
My old programming is no longer applicable in the new world that I want to create.
My soul-ution is to return to my original programming, the inquisitive, open, hungry for knowledge, connective to nature, whole being who is innately filled with all the answers to all the questions.
Technology robs us of the ability to rely on our own unique software. We are powerful beings who are capable of anything we choose to focus upon.
On one of my walkabouts I spent a summer traveling in a small trailer with family and dogs visiting parks and exploring, reading and trying to find balance in my life.
That summer I had no means of communication with the outside world. We would wander for days only visiting civilization to replenish supplies.
At one point I felt a strong need to reach out and contact a friend who I had met earlier in life. On my next visit to pick up supplies I called and checked in with my friend. They were anxious about my safety and wellbeing and were sending out mental messages to have me contact them.
Once I acted on my feelings and contacted them, the feeling left and I was able to move forward in my journey of exploration.
Subtle thoughts that occur are often messages from the universe, giving us a heads up to events or important issues that we need to focus upon.
When we recognize and act upon these thoughts, our mental and physic abilities are enhanced.
Technology often keeps these natural abilities shut down and muted.
So … here we are, at the top of our game so to speak. Our innate natural abilities are beginning to be activated, the unnatural programming from this third dimensional world are crumbling around us and we are left to wonder, what’s next?
How do we integrate our old life into a whole new world?
In order to get to the fruit of the tree, we must go out on a limb, that is scary and often we must do it alone.
Once out on that limb, others will shake the branches. We have to hold on to the inner strength that we have and trust in our own ability to follow our dreams.
Do you have a bucket list?
Most of us do.
Begin to live the life you were meant to live.
Do it now before it is too late.
Let go of false beliefs, embrace your new found programming and seek out your own unique path.
Today is truly a new day, what you choose to do will either keep you in your old life or move you towards the life you were meant to live.
The choice is up to you.
Trust in you.
Believe in you.
Know that it is you that will make all the difference.