It’s happening again, that feeling ...
I should have known this spring when I just couldn’t find joy in planting my garden. I put it off until June when I finally put in a few vegetables, just in case my timing was off.
It is always so plain and clear when I look back over the course of my life to see the patterns that have molded my life.
The monthly dinner group which I started last year to bring friends together is successful and thriving but my heart is no longer in it.
My homestead and yard has blossomed and come alive with my efforts and love, it is always enjoyable to sit on the porch and watch nature in my own backyard. I find myself taking a deeper view and memorizing each tree and flower.
I may not be here much longer.
Just a feeling, but I am following the pattern that I have come to trust and appreciate.
Each home has been a place of refuge and I have sought to beautify and create my place of heaven around me.
I have already had some who have noticed my change in feeling and attitude.
I am taking care of little projects that normally wouldn’t be done till the fall, but I am feeling an urgency.
In my past I have watched life’s synchronicities all come together to show me a new path and an opportunity for new growth.
It may take a week or a month or a year, but it is coming and I can feel it in my soul.
Hawaii has been constantly showing up in my days.
It has happened before.
3 years ago I felt a strong spiritual presence come into my room. It was unmistakable and impossible to ignore. There are new guides and old familiar ones that are letting me know ... it is time, once again to prepare for the adventure of a lifetime.
Here I wait, watching for clues and connections to my new life.
These will all be answered and I will feel the excitement and peace to move forward into my new life.
I will always keep my experiences in my heart. Each person and place is now a part of me and I them.
It is a way of life for me. It may not fit everyone but I know it well.