Chicken Little
One of the first accounts is from the Buddhist scriptures known as Daddabha. In this story a disturbed hare is disturbed by a falling fruit who believes that the earth is coming to an end. The hare stirs up the other animals causing a stampede, when the lion investigates he finds the cause of the panic and restores calm.
The version that I remember is about a chick that believes the sky is falling because an acorn falls on his head. He decides to tell the King and on his journey meets other animals which join in the quest. The fox invites them to his lair and there eats them all. The last one, Cocky Lockey survives long enough to warn others about the fox.
Most people take this fable as a warning not to believe everything you hear.
Every day without fail there are cyber discussions about dogs and cats, religion and science, good and evil, and right verses left.
It is interesting to watch how intense people can get when they talk about things that they favor or oppose.
I have found myself drawn to express my opinions and sometimes I am met with strong opposition.
It is these kinds of differences that make up the world in which we live.
When I see some of the articles that are posted to the net I usually do a little research before passing them along to others. I have found that not everything that you read is true and factual. If it comes with a cute picture or saying it is automatic for many to pass it on.
I have had to retract some things that I later found were false rumors.
Whenever you bring any subject before a group of people you are going to have a difference of opinion. It is healthy to see different view points, it can lead to discussions that bring the truth into the light.
I often see two kinds of people, the sky is falling people and those who stick their head in the sand people.
I ask myself, what kind of person am I?
I have been on both sides of the debate and seldom are there positive changes for either side.
We have taken for granted that the news we watch is factual and fair. A constant barrage of bad news makes us defensive and suspicious towards others. It is always refreshing when a happy story is aired and people are helped.
I spent a number of years looking into the historic abuses that have occurred throughout history. There are countless stories of death and destruction, power and corruption, and wars in the name of God. It is the story of the bully who wants to take something that does not belong to him.
There have been many who have been harmed by these bullies and it is time for this to stop.
Before that can happen we need to be educated on the facts.
To take advice simply because a famous or beautiful person said it is foolish.
To reject something because of a persons background or culture is likewise foolish.
Ultimately after I have gathered all the information, I have to make a judgement that will affect my life.
A balance is what I am striving to achieve. I want to look at all sides of an issue and weigh the evidence, then I make my decision. It is not a forever, set decision, it is one based on the available information at the time.
I reserve the right to make changes at any time, and I am not afraid to admit that I am wrong.
Having coffee this morning with the chickens, I heard the warning squawk of the rooster. The shadow of a hawk passed over the lawn and the warning sent them running as fast as they could run for safety under the porch.
We would do well to keep our own watch over the barnyard bullies of this world and send out a warning whenever danger occurs.
Being aware and prepared we can enjoy the goodness of life, giving thanks for the blessings that we have and paying them forward whenever we can.