What If?
What if there is more?
This is a question that I have been asking myself for over 20 years. It has opened my mind to explore the possibilities that this earth experience provides for us.
This question has also made it necessary to let go of some preconceived ideas and programing that I received during my formative years.
Not all of them, but those things that no longer allow me to grow in my spiritual path.
When I allowed myself to believe in this idea, there were new doors that opened.
So ... what if I lived before this lifetime?
I have thought and pondered this question many times and in varying circumstances.
I found that most of the world believes in this idea.
Most cultures have a creation story, mine came from organized Christian religion.
It was limited to what came from the bible and modern prophets.
I had some spontaneous experiences that made me ask, what If there is more.
What if I have only been given a small piece of the overall picture.
I have been working on getting the straight edges in my puzzle so that I can begin to fill in the harder irregular pieces.
Those missing pieces began to appear when I allowed for the possibility that my limited belief system was limiting my overall experience.
Deja vu experiences began to occur in my life.
I discovered these flashes were bits of information that were from my past or possible future experiences.
Some connected to earlier dreams and some of them were unexpected emotional connections to people and places.
So ...
What if I lived before this lifetime?
My early teachings taught me that God created my spirit and placed my intelligence in that spirit body and then created a physical earth and allowed me to experience a physical body. When I die I will leave this body and return to a spirit world where I will await a perfected heavenly body.
My deja vu experiences led me to ask, why am I having memories and flashbacks of events that I haven’t been part of?
Or ...
Have I?
This is an ongoing investigation that occupies my thoughts and meditation.
Why do I find that some people are so familiar?
In traveling to new places, why does it seem that I have been here before?
I have been presented with a “what if” that is opening a new chapter in my learning.
What if I have lived in another lifetime?
What if I lived many lifetimes?
What if those lifetimes are connected?
What if my deja vu experiences are memories of people, places and experiences that I have been a part of.
What if it is possible to “fix” mistakes in these other lifetimes and avoid possible retribution?
What if?
I am planning a trip to a historical site in the next few days. It was the scene of a terrible massacre in 1857 where 120 men, women, and children were brutally murdered.
Over the years I have collected books and movies that portray the events that took place.
My question, “what if” has given me a chance to return to an event that took place in a prior lifetime and find peace.
I have wondered why this event in history has intrigued me, even haunted me.
Now I know.
Karma has given me a chance to make things right.
Many Western cultures have ideas that are similar to karma.
What you sow you reap.
Violence begets violence.
If you live by the sword, you die by the sword.
I will now face a past life experience in this present life and attempt to bring peace and to find peace.
I will face my accusers.
They are still there waiting for me.
An experience several years ago let me feel the pain and anger of these forgotten and trapped spirits.
My visit will attempt to acknowledge my role and to ask these spirits for forgiveness. In doing this, I hope to bring peace to them and allow them to go into the light.
I will bring a peace offering and hope that they accept my apologies.
So ...
What if there are unlimited possibilities for us to discover and remember?
What if we don’t know it all?
What if this lifetime is an opportunity to connect all previous lifetimes?
The pieces of my puzzle are coming together.
Slowly, piece by piece, an understanding is unfolding that my life here, my picture, is only one small piece of a greater puzzle that the Universe is showing me. A puzzle that I intend to explore and use to discover the answers to all of my “what if’s.”