Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Aliens among us

Alright ... you asked for it.
Would it surprise you to know that we have aliens among us. No, not the immigrants from other countries that come to our country. These aliens come from other worlds in our universe. 
There are hundreds and thousands of them living here on planet earth. They come from many different worlds. Some of them are much like you and I.
Ever watched the movies, Star Trek, Star Wars, V, or the countless other programs that have been part of our culture for decades?
I watched Buck Rogers when I was small and felt a sense of awe when I saw the special effects. Now it is pale in comparison to the realistic technology of movies today.
Many movies are based on leaked information from government agencies in an effort to acclimate us to these beings.
I started looking for more evidence to these visitors and in my search found they are scattered throughout history. Famous paintings and religious writings tell and show us that these visitors have been among us for thousands of years.
So ... what if your neighbor is not really from Los Angeles? Maybe a little further? Maybe a lot further.
Would you panic? 
Would you be afraid?
Would you persecute them because they were different?
Would you hunt them down and kill them?
Our human species has not been kind to the animal kingdom or any others who are different than us.
Many still have problems with someone who has a different color skin, or a different accent, or a different religion. 
Do you really think that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe? 
What if these visitors are more intelligent?
What if they have an agenda?
Most of us have been part of an ongoing propaganda targeted to disinform us.
Roswell New Mexico.
What does that name bring to your mind?
Government weather balloons?
So ... what if?
What if they are here and have been here for thousands of years?
What if they don’t look like us?
Are you ready to meet them?
Creation stories from many cultures tell about star beings who visit the earth. They sometime seed their DNA here among us.
What if you or I are star beings?
What if some are capable of changing their shape?
Is the human vehicle the ultimate form that we take?
I have pondered these questions for years and I am ready to have first contact with these visitors. I believe that some may be hostile and some may be friendly. I will not judge an entire race by a few individuals. I would hate to think that the human race would be judged by a few lunatics who just happen to be leaders or rulers. Any intelligent race who watches our media programs and news broadcasts would certainly come away with a distorted view of our world.
All of us are star beings in one sense. We are all bits of star dust. Our bodies are made up of elements that have been drifting in space for millennia until they ended up on planet earth.
Governments are now beginning to disclose information about these beings. Some countries are open and honest about these UFO’s and EBE’s. Extraterrestrial biological entities.
Much of our technology has been reverse engineered from alien spacecraft.
Our explosion into the technology age is a result of these encounters.
So ... I ask again.
Are you ready?
Really ready?
I am.

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