Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Freak accident or Act of God?

Freak accident or Act of God?

I went for a walk today, the usual. 
Post office, grocery store and thrift store.
Hey, It’s a small town. 
Did you hear what happened?
A freak accident claimed life of an 8 year old in Escalante.
How did that happen?
A gust of wind caught a trampoline and a little girl was critically injured. 
She was life flighted out but her injuries were so severe they removed her from life support today.
What do you say?
A senseless accident?
An act of God?
The trampoline was set in the ground, two others had already gotten off and the little girl was getting off. The trampoline was carried by the wind with the girl off the side of a hill where she sustained injuries of two broken arms and head trauma.
It brought back memories of a time when I received a call from a neighbor.
Will you speak at the funeral?
What happened?
My son was playing Russian Roulette with his friend, and lost.
Of course I will ...
It was the first funeral where I was the key speaker. I didn’t know what to do.
What can you say?
I called my grandfather in Escalante and asked him what he did when he was asked to speak at a funeral.
He spoke at over one hundred funerals and had the answer that I needed.
“Go and visit the family, ask them to tell you about the person. When you speak at the funeral just tell them what they told you.”
I followed that advice. 
The family thanked me over and over for the wonderful and helpful words.
I asked myself again, what could I say to help the friends and neighbors who knew this little girl and her family?
Take time to appreciate your own children and family.
Tell each of them how much you love them.
Let the mundane chores of life wait while you take time to push your child on a swing.
Read to your children.
Reflect on how much joy and happiness they have given to you.
Take the little gifts that they were able to show you and share them with others.
Live each moment of life as if it is your last and best.
Life is unpredictable and fragile, today may be the last you may ever share with a loved one.
Loosing a loved one, whether it is a family member, neighbor or even a pet is a difficult experience.
I pass on this little bit of wisdom:
The veil between life and death is thin.
Death parts that veil and unseen visitors will help you through this   difficult time.
Each of us has heavenly guides who are willing to comfort and help.
The anguish, sorrow and sadness is the feeling of loss that accompanies death.
I think of it as a key to unlock the heavens.
Rather than associate death with these emotions, I see them as an opportunity to commune with my loved ones who have passed out of this life and into the next. 
I talk with them, ask their advice and tell them my troubles and joys.
The doorway will always be open for comfort.
Use it often.
You are never alone, and they are never gone.
Freak accident, Act of God or an open doorway?

Sunday, August 11, 2013

so ... what if

So ... what if?

What if everything that you thought you knew to be right or wrong, didn’t matter?
What if the God you were taught to believe in didn’t exist? 
What if God is Female? 
What if he, she, or it is not wearing long flowing robes?
What if god is red, black, or yellow?
What if that church, synagogue, mosque, temple, or shrine was merely man’s attempt to create order out of confusion?
What if that prophet, leader, savior, or guru were just men or women who had an idea?
What if all that money and time you gave was used for selfish purposes?
What if it doesn’t matter whether you wear special underwear, a yamaka, a veil, robes, a camauro, or rainbow colored tattoos?
What if all these thousands of religions, mostly claiming to be the only way, are wrong?
What if when we die, that is the end of our existence?
Will we be met by an all knowing judge at some kind of gate, portal, or heaven and have to recite a special word or offer a secret hand shake?
What if that leader, prophet, or guru was only responding to a bad dream because he had eaten some spicy food the night before?
What if your neighbors religion is right and your religion is wrong?
What if the life we live on earth, is all there is?
What if this life is one of many and we get to plan each life?
What if all the woes and troubles that you experience are because of your own decisions?
What if the cancer, accidents, and traumatic life are all the result of your own creation?
What if you could create anything you desired?
What if you are god?
What would you do?
What kind of earth would you create?
What kind of rules would you make?
Would you exclude from your presence, any who broke your rules?
Would you command your children to kill one another because a rule was broken?
Would you create a church that would teach your children to fear you?
Would you insist that your children bow down and worship you?
Would you create something only to destroy it?
Would you allow your children to mock your rules?
Would you choose a favorite child and give him exclusive rights to which children would be allowed to return?
What if nothing you did mattered?
What if this earth is only one of countless places we have lived as part of an eternal journey though a limitless universe?
What if we are lost in space?
What if god travels in a space ship?
What if god is a whale or a dolphin or a turtle?
What if we made the whole thing up?
What if you and I are only variations of the same god?
What if there is no plan and anything and everything is open to experience?
What if this is a giant free for all?
What if my sacred cow becomes your happy meal?
What if that happy meal is Uncle John or Grandma Jones?
What if my sacred text becomes a comedy hit on Broadway?
Can you say with certainty that any or all of these things are valid or not?
Does that certainty come from a personal experience or is it based on childhood programing that you received?
Does that personal experience include a one on one with god, goddess, all there is?
Was that experience tailored to your limited earthly understanding to favor your programming?
Are we really talking monkeys on a cosmic journey, traveling through space?
I am unable to answer for a certainty.
I am a product of my programing.
I would like to believe there is a plan to this life.
In the mean time ... 
I will treat others as I wish to be treated.
I will see myself in others.
I will honor all life.
I will strive to follow my heart.
I will judge no man.
I will laugh at myself.
I will cease to follow.
So ... What if?

Friday, August 2, 2013


I was unable to resist

Her soft sweet scent drifted through the house as though an invisible force. 
I was drawn towards her, unable to resist. 
The intoxicating allure erased all other thoughts from my mind. 
I must have her. 
I must have her.
I moved from room to room until I entered the kitchen. 
There she was lying on the hard cool counter. 
She was teasing me ... come and get me, she was saying. 
I couldn’t resist any longer, all my defenses had been destroyed. 
The thought of her taste, her smooth body, her smell, was all that I could bear. 
My senses were overwhelmed. 
I reached for her, she was warm to my touch. 
I held her in my arms, my hands caressed her, I lifted her to my lips and we embraced. 
I devoured her. 
Oh, the delight that she brought. 
“Will you always remember me,” she asked? 
“Always,” I said.
“In the morning I will take you again.” 
“Again at lunch.”
“Again at dinner until you are all used up.”
“Then I will remake you.” 
“Mold you.” 
“Shape you.” 
“I will wait for you to greet me with your intoxicating allure.”
She smiled and said, ... “I will always be here for you.”