Saturday, March 29, 2014

Balance is the key

I noticed something recently about my life that I have neglected to address.
Most days find me spending too much time checking my email and messages on the computer. 
I have a routine I follow that usually ends up with me on Facebook messaging friends and family, following them in their latest adventures and life challenges.
I also noticed that there is a plethora of information and messages that I do not subscribe to. They are distracting and sometimes disturbing.
While scrolling down pages of varying information, I see myself going faster and faster, skipping through and trying find inspiring and uplifting messages. 
What is it that I am looking for?
I am looking for myself among the myriad of humanity, and sadly, gratefully ... it is not there, I am not there.
My regular routine sessions are getting shorter and shorter because there is less and less of what I want and more and more of what I don’t want.
My resolve is to start un-friending and un-following people and pages that only depress and waste my time.
Many internet sites are designed to distract and draw our attention away from what is most important in life. There are inspired internet sites who lift our spirits and help build our character, these are the ones I seek.
My ciber life also reflects my real life in many ways.
I have allowed people and distractions to blur out the most important things that I want to accomplish.
As a general rule we surround ourselves with things that we enjoy and avoid things that we don’t.
When outer life no longer reflects my true inner self, I have betrayed my higher purpose.
Main steam media is not the place to find yourself or your purpose, that can only be accomplished by withdrawing from everyone and everything that is draining your life force and energy.
We are energy beings that must continually recharge to sustain our level of experience or we will be depleted and useless to our purpose here on earth.
Balance is the key to sustaining and growing in this multiverse of thought and interaction.
When you find yourself scrolling through life instead of strolling, skipping and running through life’s challenges and adventures, let that be your road sign.
Beware of danger ahead!
Look at your life with resolve to make it the best that you can. 
Avoid distractions and focus on those things that inspire, build and broaden your experience. 

With that resolve you will inspire, build and broaden those that are closest to you.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

One last road trip

One last road trip

I got a call late last night from a friend who was in distress. 
Her voice was garbled and hard to understand.
She had taken an undetermined amount of pain pills.
As we talked into the wee hours of the morning, it became clear that she was intent on taking her own life.
At first I wanted to talk her out of her decision and I employed various reasoning to help her see my point of view. 
I soon saw that my own limited understanding could not compare to the life that she had lived.
She has been physically and mentally abused most of her life, either from parents, spouse's or children.
Her body is broken and in pain from the countless beatings that she has endured.
She was ready to give up.
She asked, “Are you going to try to stop me?”
My initial thoughts were yes, but as she described her shattered life, I answered her no.
I would not try to stop her.
I could not judge her decision based on my own limited experiences. 
I asked her if she was ready to meet God.
She didn’t feel that she was. 
I asked her who would she like to meet after death?
She answered, her father and son who had already passed over.
She asked me to write down her last wishes.
I agreed.
I began to write, I had to have her repeat many things because her speech was slurred and she was not responsive.
As she talked, she suddenly stopped and said that she had one last unfulfilled dream.
One last road trip.
She told me her wish.
As we talked into the night, her speech became more clear. 
Her thoughts were more directed. 
I could tell she was beginning to come back to life.
I selfishly thought how my own life would be changed by her absence.
She has sparkle and others who recognize this have been robbing her energy to sustain their own selfish lives.
She had allowed them to completely drain her of life force and she was ready to give up.
I wrote down the names of those who would receive her most precious possessions.
This experience reminded me of my wife’s last moments. 
In contrast, her life had been full and rich with experiences and love. She also directed me to write thank you letters to those who had been important in her life. She named those who would receive her sacred treasures.
As I compared the lives of these two special angels and the vastly different experiences each had experienced, I wondered?
Why do some live such tragic lives while other seem to live blessed lives?
I wondered about myself and my life.
What would my last moments reveal about me?
My friend paused and said that a departed loved one had just given her a message. 
It was not yet her time to leave.
She had more to do.
More to learn.
More forgiveness to give.
She agreed that If she survived the night and lived that it was meant that she had more to do.
I hung up the phone.
Had I done the right thing?
Had I said the right words?
I felt at peace, even though I wasn’t sure if I would see her again.
What would you say?
Would you do?
Will she still experience her unfulfilled dream?
Does she have one more road trip in her future.
I say to her ...
You are special.
You are loved.
You made a difference in my life.
Your life has made a difference in many peoples lives.

You have made this world a better place.