Sunday, October 19, 2014

Killer Isle

Some of you know that I work at a local hardware store.
Last spring I decided that I would get a hive of bees.
I want to promote pollination of the local fruits and vegetables and as a bonus get some honey.
I checked my hive today and found that they haven't filled enough honey to last them through the winter so I am forced to supplement them with sugar.
Expensive cane sugar.
Each time someone comes into the hardware store and wants to buy Roundup, 2,4-D, or any of the other dozens of poisons on the shelf, I really have to bite my lip to keep from offending the customer.
I often recommend an alternative that is safe for the bees and the environment.
I first ask if they have pets or children and point out the dangers of using toxic poisons and sometimes I have been successful in changing a persons mind.
Most often these people are so blinded by advertising and the need to kill anything that grows that I fail to change their minds.
I refer to the poison isle as the Killer Isle and sometimes say it out loud to the customer.
I ask them what they want to kill, mutilate, maim or torture?
Most don't catch the sarcasm and describe the insect, critter, or weed that they want to eliminate.
What is wrong with the people of the world that they don't see the harm they are causing?
Where do you think all the toxic poisons and chemicals end up?
We end up eating and drinking them!
Ever wonder why you are sick all the time?
Ever ask why you have no energy or zest for life?
You are directly responsible for your heath and the health of the planet.
Be Kind to yourself and the rest of the world.
Stop already.
Enough is enough!
Love yourself enough to make a difference.