Who is it that is ultimately responsible for the sadness and pain in the world? Is it the misguided, abused child who grows up to become a bully? Is it God for allowing such things to happen? Is it the parents who are so focused on surviving in this competitive world that they neglect their children? Is it the failure of the government? The Churches? I submit that each of us came here voluntarily to experience life in the fullest way possible. We agreed to live in a free will society where each has the opportunity to make decisions that will not only affect ourselves but those around us. We must first set our own house in order before we can help those who are struggling in their own trials. Don't allow the media and the lost souls in this world to dictate how you will live your life. Make a conscious choice to make a positive difference in your life, in your home, and in your community. Don't dwell on the negativity that knocks at your door. You have the choice to create in your life a place of good and positive memories for you and your family. You can create a garden of Eden in your home and life. Pray for those that despitefully use you, pray for your enemies. It is up to us to make a difference. Above all, remember that we choose to come here and we are all responsible.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
The messenger
The messenger

When I walked out the back door I saw my chickens running and squawking in distress. Chickens do not wander around after dark, they like to feel secure in their coop and roost. Each of my chickens has a pecking order, the older ones being dominant over the younger ones. My small banties being at the top of the order, pull the feathers of the larger chickens when they want them out of the way.
Last night there was no order, it was chicken pandemonium.
During the winter months I have a light inside their chicken house to keep them laying through the winter. This year I put up Christmas lights around the outside of their coop which makes it even lighter.
I talked to a commercial egg producer who told me they need about 18 hours of light a day to keep them laying. I keep a timer on the lights to give them darkness for the other 6 hours.
Running to their chicken house I looked inside. The little banties were under the coop, in an area where I keep chicks to protect them. Several of the larger chickens were crowded in one of the laying boxes with a look of terror on their faces. Standing at the end of the little coop was a great horned owl. When I looked in I was only a few feet from those great huge eyes. It stood 18 inches tall and towered over the smaller chickens. This owl is the most ferocious and the most successful predator in the owl family. It will not hesitate to take whatever prey presents itself. Most birds of prey are in awe of its formidable talons and strong beak.
I have a respect for all animals, I have done all I could to live in peace with nature. I have declared my home and property a no fly zone, a kind of peaceful sanctuary for any who come here.
There have been several animals who have come here over the years with the intention of killing my livestock. I finally had to buy a shotgun to protect them. In our little community, the law requires us to use a shotgun in city limits to protect livestock.
Last night I had to use it.
My neighbor lost 6 or 8 chickens this fall when an owl came into her yard and killed her chickens. This owl had an odd behavior of taking the chickens heads but leaving the bodies. This left us puzzling over the deaths.
I believe that animals are messengers.
In the book, Animal Speaks by Ted Andrews, he gives the metaphysical, spiritual and religious symbolism of many of the animals.
Owls in particular, have a long and varied message. In using this book, it has been helpful for me to discover the message that each of these creatures has for me.
There is usually one meaning that stands out above the rest.
Owls have been my messengers for many years.
Last night the message I received, cost this owl his life.
“One who works with owl medicine will be able to see and hear what others try to hide. You will hear what is not being said, and you will see what is hidden or in the shadows. You can detect and pinpoint the subtleties. This can make others uncomfortable because they will not be able to deceive you about their motives or actions.”
“New vision opening to you.”
“One example (balancing the male and female) is using owl and hawk feathers together as part of a dream bundle to help stimulate lucid dreaming. For example, a red-tailed hawk feather tied between two great horned owl feathers and hung over the bed may help you assert your will over the dream state. This can be used to develop astral projection or just for conscious control of the dream scenario during sleep.”
I will give the owl to my neighbor who will study it and use it for research.
I will use the feathers to make myself a dream bundle. I will continue to hone my gift of clairvoyance, and I will repair my little chicken house and paint over the damage from the shotgun.
The chickens are traumatized and will keep close to each other and the safe parts of their territory. They will adjust and in a few days will be back to normal.
I will take the message, incorporate it, and learn how I can make my life more meaningful, more insightful.
I will mourn the loss of this magnificent bird of prey, but at the same time, I give my gratitude to him for being a messenger of wisdom.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Letters from Heaven
Your Beloved Ones
The words of the song, Amazing Grace, by John Newton came to my mind as I received this message.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
"Love comes when we least expect it, when we are not looking for it. Love is never outside ourselves, love is within us. Don't settle for anybody just to have someone. Set your standards. What kind of love do you want to attract? List the qualities in yourself, and you will attract a person who has them. Be ready for love when it does come. Be loving, and you will be lovable. Be open and receptive to love." -Louise L. Hay
Monday, December 3, 2012
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver
With all the sickness both natural and artificial, I decided it is time to start taking it again along with my vitamins and essential oils.
The health of the world is in decline. Medicine and hospitals are out of control. Temporary solutions and a shotgun approach to the numerous new diseases and syndromes appearing in our midst is not working.
It is time to take back control over our own health. There are simple solutions to help with that effort.
Eat a healthy diet from whole foods. Avoid processed food and limit your diet of fast foods.
The amount of chemicals and artificial ingredients in our food has skyrocketed out of control.
In an effort to lower costs on food and make up for lack of quality and nutrition, the food industry have had to make up the difference with cheap fillers and chemicals.
We are being slowly poisoned.
The food industry is owned by the same mega corporations that run our hospitals and pharmaceutical companies.
Poisons are sprayed on our food, dispensed from the sky and we are targeted with electronic waves to break down our natural resistance to germs and disease.
Doctors have become drug dealers in an ever increasing failure to cure disease with chemicals.
Laws are passed to limit liability to those who perpetrate their fraud on the people of the world.
What are we to do?
Fight back with natures own cure.
Colloidal Silver.
The medical community will try to scare you with pictures of a blue man or woman whose skin was permanently changed. It could happen if you drink a quart of silver every day for a couple of years.
There is no recommended dosage and you must use your own judgement on how much to use but compared to the dozens of warnings on any pharmaceutical drug you get from the doctor, this is so much better.
I take an eye dropper full of silver each day.
I am going to teach you how to make your own at a fraction of the cost with simple tools.
This is a link to Wikipedia on Medical uses of silver http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_uses_of_silver
This next article is taken from Natures Sunshine.com
October 4 2011 | Immune Health
Colloidal silver benefits include reducing exposure to disease-causing agents and can be used as an internal remedy for immune system support. Silver Shield, a colloidal silver product, has been proven to effectively combat health issues caused by anthrax, yeast, food poisoning, fungal infections of the skin, bacterial infections of the skin, respiratory infections, pink eye and more.
Proven by in vitro testing, the colloidal silver in Silver Shield helps rid the body of invasive microorganisms. This is done when the colloidal silver ingredients disable the enzymes that are metabolizing oxygen for harmful bacteria and viruses.
Many turn to antibiotics to combat invasive microorganisms attacking the immune system. Antibiotics often solve the problem, but can prove harmful in other areas. Most antibiotics attack all bacteria, both good and bad, minimizing the good bacteria found in the colon required for healthy digestion and adequate immune support.
The colloidal silver in Silver Shield benefits the immune system in similar ways antibiotics do. However, because Silver Shield is processed in the kidneys it is likely that it does not affect the population of beneficial bacteria in the colon—keeping the immune and digestive system strong and healthy.
Silver Shield has been tested for safety and effectiveness. It is non-toxic and does not contain any heavy metal contamination that many other colloidal silver supplements do. Nature’s Sunshine observes a strict quality control process to verify the atomic absorption of Silver Shield. As a result, the product delivers fine, particle-sized silver colloids with 99% bioavailability. Many other popular colloidal silver products were tested and deliver only 15-65% colloids with bioavailability.
Boost your immune system with colloidal silver. The quality of Nature’s Sunshine’s Silver Shield product surpasses the market standard for colloidal silver supplements. Give your body the strength it needs to combat the harmful bacteria and viruses we face every day.
Several years ago I purchased a book along with a kit to make my own Colloidal Silver. It is titled Get plugged in ... Colloidal Silver ... antibiotic Superhero by Johnny Silverseed. This is a link to his website: http://www.colloidalsilver101.com
Do yourself and your family a favor, get informed and start using Colloidal Silver that you make yourself for only penny’s a bottle.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Stronger connections
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Who knows what adventures await us ...
His life began on July 8, 1950 in Provo, Utah. Being the first child of eight, he carried into this life the responsibility of being the older brother.
He spent his first years in Provo where Dad was finishing up his school at BYU. When Dad got a teaching position in Escalante, he moved the family to Escalante where Richard began his schooling. Our Grandmother Ruth was his kindergarten teacher and our Grandfather Lorenzo was the principal. After several years Dad moved the family back to Provo where Richard attended the rest of his school years.
Richard would return to Escalante many times with family to visit Grandpa and Grandma in Escalante.
Richard spent many summers with our Grandparents. He bonded with them and felt like they were his second parents.
I had my differences with him and on more than one occasion sibling rivalry caused Dad to come down to the basement and settle a dispute. This rivalry continued into High School until one day after a particularly rough teasing, I had enough. I landed a lucky punch and knocked him out cold. I got scared and left, later when I came back we didn’t say anything to each other but the tension eased and we were able to get along better.
He was three years older than I so I never caught up with him in Jr. High or High School.
As he got ready for his mission I got ready to take over our shared room and claim it as my own.
He went to the Philippines for two years where he served a mission for the church. It was his chance to experience life in a place where he was taller than most of the people around him. He discovered his skills of salesmanship and his early training in the church helped him to be a successful missionary.
It wasn’t long after he got back from his mission that I was preparing for my own mission. I asked him to look after my piranha fish while I was gone. One day it jumped out and died. When I got home it was in the freezer waiting for me.
We shared an apartment with several other guys who were working and single. I tagged along when they serenaded the girls with guitar music, hoping to find that special girl.
Rich and his friend Ron decided to open an aquarium store and sell fish. It was there that I used my skills with glass to repair and build aquariums for him. I traded my skills and time for fish.
We both attended a BYU branch in Orem where he met Teresa. I could tell he liked her but he was shy and didn’t want to call her.
I took care of that when I called her and pretended to be Rich and asked her out on a date.
That date became many and soon the plans were set for a wedding.
I helped set up aquariums filled with fish for their reception and then took them down after.
Soon after I met my wife and got married and moved to California.
Rich and I drifted apart, our family life began, but we reconnected at reunions, marriages and deaths.
We kept a closeness over the years and there were times when conversations would continue long into the night.
He wasn’t afraid to ask me hard questions and I always seemed to challenge his beliefs.
He remained strong in the church but had his struggles with life and the choices he made.
He and Teresa came to Escalante to visit me in October. I could see that he was struggling with his health. His body was shutting down and it was difficult for
Teresa to manage his care.
We talked about life and death.
I asked hard questions about death and the challenges that lie ahead for both of them.
We talked into the night, again. It was during these times that I felt close to the heavens and I could feel family there with us too.
Richard was close with Grandpa and Grandma Lorenzo. I know that they are exchanging stories and are helping him to transition from this life into the next. I know that Dad was waiting there too.
Richard will linger here for a while. He will watch as family gather to share and tell stories. He will listen as we laugh and cry. He will be in attendance at the funeral as we gather to celebrate his life. He will be with us to comfort us.
As the veil of forgetfulness begins to lift from his mind, he will remember the magnificence of his being, he will remember his past life with our Heavenly Parents. His former knowledge will be returned and he will have an opportunity to see this earth in a whole new perspective. Not as a place of struggle or difficulty, but as a marvelous learning and growing experience.
He will add this lifetime to his understanding and will continue on his path toward an eternal life with family and friends in his own little bit of Heaven.
I will miss you Richard. We are again separated in this life but we will meet again, and who knows what adventures still await us.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Bread and Milk
Bread and Milk

The memories of my visits as a child came alive and I sat down at the same table and chairs that they used and thoroughly enjoyed my simple meal of bread and milk.
We carry the physical DNA of our ancestors within each of our bodies. Some traits are stronger than others but we have a unique heritage that is like no other.
We have a look about us that outsiders can see and identify as common in our family lines.
No matter how hard we try to cover or altar our heritage, we can’t get away from the nose or ears or hair that we inherited.
These family traits are what makes us a special family.
That DNA can be damaged through our own abuses or it can be altered through our choices.
We also carry within each of our souls a unique spiritual DNA.
This spiritual DNA plays an even more important role than our physical DNA.
This spiritual DNA gives us the ability to do anything we choose.
There are many sources around the world that try to convince us otherwise.
When teachers, parents, siblings, church or governments tell us that we can’t do something, what they are telling us is that we must settle for less.
There is an inner voice within each of us that reminds us that we are capable of greatness.
It warns us when we are in danger and inspires us when we are feeling low.
Our spiritual heritage is a powerful tool as we navigate the waters of life.
Have you ever asked yourself, Where did that thought or ability come from?
Our spiritual families are watching over us and are encouraging us to develop these spiritual traits.
The blending of our physical and spiritual DNA are what makes this earthly experience so important for each of us.
What we do and what we experience will be passed on to our children and their children.
We can choose to enhance positive traits or we can choose to break generational abuses that have been passed to us.
We played a large role in choosing the lives that we now experience. We allowed, planned or created every experience that we are now living.
For every question or problem, there is an answer and solution.
Trust yourself and know that you are destined for greatness.
Take time each day to spend in quiet reflection.
Give thanks for all that we have.
This is the beginning of understanding the how’s and why’s of life.
You are not alone, you carry within you the DNA of strong pioneers and the DNA of the Gods.
Each of us can make a powerful difference in the lives of those around us who have given up on life.
A simple word of encouragement or a hug can make all the difference in someone’s life who is struggling.
We have inherited from our parents the spiritual and physical DNA to do anything we choose.
What will you choose this day?
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Those Eyes
Those eyes!
Those eyes!
I walked up to the counter and ask my question, she politely told me how to get to my destination, I turned and walked out.
A few miles down the road I determined to return and get another look.
Several hours later I returned to see those eyes again.
When I walked into the little rock shop I felt my heart skip a beat as our eyes met again.
Why are you out here in the middle of this rural area?
She said it must be to give directions.
I asked again, but this time she said that she was connected to this land.
I thought so ... I said.
I watched as the tears welled up in her eyes.
Then I felt that familiar spiritual feeling that happens when I need to pay close attention.
I too, am connected to this land, to this place, I said.
In those brief minutes together, we spoke the same language, felt the same spirit and shared a memory from a past life where we stood on opposite sides.
She said she had long ago forgiven those who had treated her so harshly. Life is too precious to waste it carrying resentment and anger.
I looked into her eyes as she spoke and felt the sincerity of her words.
I asked some more questions and then felt that old familiar feeling again ... the one that tells me that I am in a safe place and I need to open my heart and share what I am experiencing.
In those brief few minutes we were able to connect as old friends.
We walk similar paths now.
My path has opened me to new possibilities, new information, new adventures.
Her path for now is to give directions to those who are lost and need help.
When I left the store, I wondered if this was just a chance meeting or maybe more?
I don’t know, but I am always looking for those eyes.
The ones that really look into the depth of my soul.
I was promised that I would recognize them by their eyes.
My family.
My spiritual family.
I have a special place in my heart for those whom I have connected with on this level of understanding.
We have a similar path and sometimes our paths cross.
We share and then we continue on down our road.
I have attempted to look into others eyes and they have declined to reveal that part of themselves.
Not everyone is willing to look deeply into another’s eyes. It is an intimacy where one soul can connect with another.
The eyes are the doorway to the soul.
I will continue to search.
I will find you.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
What if?
What If?
What if there is more?
This is a question that I have been asking myself for over 20 years. It has opened my mind to explore the possibilities that this earth experience provides for us.
This question has also made it necessary to let go of some preconceived ideas and programing that I received during my formative years.
Not all of them, but those things that no longer allow me to grow in my spiritual path.
When I allowed myself to believe in this idea, there were new doors that opened.
So ... what if I lived before this lifetime?
I have thought and pondered this question many times and in varying circumstances.
I found that most of the world believes in this idea.
Most cultures have a creation story, mine came from organized Christian religion.
It was limited to what came from the bible and modern prophets.
I had some spontaneous experiences that made me ask, what If there is more.
What if I have only been given a small piece of the overall picture.
I have been working on getting the straight edges in my puzzle so that I can begin to fill in the harder irregular pieces.
Those missing pieces began to appear when I allowed for the possibility that my limited belief system was limiting my overall experience.
Deja vu experiences began to occur in my life.
I discovered these flashes were bits of information that were from my past or possible future experiences.
Some connected to earlier dreams and some of them were unexpected emotional connections to people and places.
So ...
What if I lived before this lifetime?
My early teachings taught me that God created my spirit and placed my intelligence in that spirit body and then created a physical earth and allowed me to experience a physical body. When I die I will leave this body and return to a spirit world where I will await a perfected heavenly body.
My deja vu experiences led me to ask, why am I having memories and flashbacks of events that I haven’t been part of?
Or ...
Have I?
This is an ongoing investigation that occupies my thoughts and meditation.
Why do I find that some people are so familiar?
In traveling to new places, why does it seem that I have been here before?
I have been presented with a “what if” that is opening a new chapter in my learning.
What if I have lived in another lifetime?
What if I lived many lifetimes?
What if those lifetimes are connected?
What if my deja vu experiences are memories of people, places and experiences that I have been a part of.
What if it is possible to “fix” mistakes in these other lifetimes and avoid possible retribution?
What if?
I am planning a trip to a historical site in the next few days. It was the scene of a terrible massacre in 1857 where 120 men, women, and children were brutally murdered.
Over the years I have collected books and movies that portray the events that took place.
My question, “what if” has given me a chance to return to an event that took place in a prior lifetime and find peace.
I have wondered why this event in history has intrigued me, even haunted me.
Now I know.
Karma has given me a chance to make things right.
Many Western cultures have ideas that are similar to karma.
What you sow you reap.
Violence begets violence.
If you live by the sword, you die by the sword.
I will now face a past life experience in this present life and attempt to bring peace and to find peace.
I will face my accusers.
They are still there waiting for me.
An experience several years ago let me feel the pain and anger of these forgotten and trapped spirits.
My visit will attempt to acknowledge my role and to ask these spirits for forgiveness. In doing this, I hope to bring peace to them and allow them to go into the light.
I will bring a peace offering and hope that they accept my apologies.
So ...
What if there are unlimited possibilities for us to discover and remember?
What if we don’t know it all?
What if this lifetime is an opportunity to connect all previous lifetimes?
The pieces of my puzzle are coming together.
Slowly, piece by piece, an understanding is unfolding that my life here, my picture, is only one small piece of a greater puzzle that the Universe is showing me. A puzzle that I intend to explore and use to discover the answers to all of my “what if’s.”
Sunday, September 30, 2012
No Matter where you are I will find you ...
No matter where you are I will find you ...
This past week my hometown of Escalante hosted the Escalante Canyons Art Fair. There were hundreds of people from all over the country who attended.
Since I live across the street, I had dozens of cars parked in front of my home.
I really don’t mind. It has been a fun week.
They are all gone now, the clean up crews have just about finished, it is back to our normal slow pace, except for one small item.
I bought a charcoal drawing from one of the artists. It is unusual for me to buy a picture, but this one caught my attention.
I stood in front of this picture for long minutes and was mesmerized by the haunting image.
I met the artist, he lives in Hawaii and comes to this area to enjoy our desert and mountain beauty.
He seemed so familiar to me, I told him and he said he felt the same about me.
I can’t say for sure why this picture touches my heart. A past memory?
A glimpse of my future?
I just know that this particular picture has captured my attention.
As I look around my home I can see other objects that reflect my life. The pictures, rocks, drums, feathers, shells, books, and music are me and I am them.
They have been memories of events that have been and are yet to come.
I am normally quiet and reserved and very few really know the real me.
If you look at the things that surround me and my home, you will get a glimpse into my life.
I met an artist this week that may be another piece of my puzzle.
Somehow I knew her and she me.
Part of my spiritual family on the road of life? Probably.
Time will tell.
We talked for hours and hours.
I made another connection with a couple who have a home in here in Utah and another in Maui. They were admiring my home so I invited them in for a hot slice of homemade bread. I showed them around and gave them some organic apples and pears.
They have a caretaker for their home in Maui but who knows what might be in my future.
A new adventure?
I hope so.
The universe has presented me with a new piece in my puzzle. I will have to do my part and hope that I will find where it fits in my life’s picture.
It may be a part of my future.
Does she represent a guardian?
A past life?
A lover?
A life partner?
I often find clues like this.
It is part of my adventure.
Life’s adventure.
It has been like this for the past 20 years and I wouldn’t change a thing.
It works for me.
On another lazy Sunday not too long ago I was sitting on my front porch having a cup of coffee. I watched a small private jet fly over my house, my inner voice said, “Get in your truck and drive out to the airport.”
I have learned to pay attention to this Wise One.
I drove out the highway and watched as the jet came to a stop. Out jumped a woman dressed in plain clothes, there was a 4 wheel drive jeep waiting for her.
As she drove away, my voice said,
“See how easy it would be to have someone fly into your life?”
“Never doubt the future.”
“We will always be close.”
“You will never be alone.”
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Inner Beings
Inner Beings
It is by allowing this Inner Being validity and voice that we will truly find the highest in ourselves.
Inner peace and contentment can only be part of our life when we give in to this God Self and tune all outside forces to the background.
You are here to find and develop your True Self, this is your highest goal and priority.
Set aside other values that others have placed within your being.
These will only serve those that placed them in your being.
Be true to yourself, but first find out who that self is.
Take time to find silence.
Tune out all distractions that surface.
Tune into your own spiritual light.
Set aside people and pursuits that are ego driven.
Allow you Inner Being to surface.
Listen to the wisdom.
Trust in the wisdom.
Follow the wisdom.
We did not come here to accumulate things and power.
We came here to experience and learn ways that would make our lives and the lives of those we truly love, better.
This is not our true home and this is not our final destination.
We have lived thousands upon thousands of lifetimes, not only here, but upon planets whose distant memories sometimes fill our dreams.
We have set aside our former knowledge and wisdom to experience this world in our innocent state.
We have merged our creative forces with other spiritual beings and have birthed a magnificent program that will allow us and others to transcend and surpass our original programing.
This will add to the knowledge of the Universe a unique and imaginative process to expand our own spiritual learning and that of Higher Beings.
There are many who are watching and protecting our journey here on this planet.
We are not alone.
Our spiritual family and protectors are always near. They place subtle messages and opportunities to allow us to become more.
As we learn, this knowledge expands all God Beings and expands the universe to an even greater expanse.
Do not deny your Inner Being, it is the reason you are here.
Trivial pursuits, disharmony and outer distractions are not your primary goal.
What makes your life worth living?
Is it the petty grudges and arguments that we witness each day?
Is it to pay a mortgage on a temporary possession?
We have mortgaged our lives to others who are not in harmony with our Inner Beings.
Get out of debt to anyone or any being who is living off your life force energy.
There are destructive beings who can’t survive on their own light and must steal it from those who allow it.
If you must walk away from your work, your job, your family or your home to find this Inner Being, you must do it, and do it now!
Find your inner joy once more, focus your life on achieving this highest part in you.
Trust in your Inner Being and follow the guidance and wisdom that is always ready to align you with Source Energy.
Trust in Yourself.
Believe in Yourself.
Love Yourself.
You will not be disappointed.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
September Dawn 1857
I speak for the trapped souls who were killed in the September 11 tragedy.
It has always been better for me to see a place first hand so that I can see and experience for myself. The horrendous and violent act of cowards were responsible for these deaths.
This trip had been on my mind for a long time and I knew that the time was right for me to visit the site.
It was a sunny day and the sky was clear the day that I arrived. I parked my truck in the parking lot next to the monument and made my way along the sidewalk until I reached the place where they died.
I silently read the words on the sign and stood there for long moments thinking about those who had died on this spot. I walked around the monument listening, waiting, wondering. What kind of people would do such an act of slaughter?
It was at that moment that I heard them.
There were many voices speaking at once.
I could feel the anger and the betrayal that these souls had experienced.
I tried talking to them, to comfort them, to encourage them, to move on through the tunnel and into the light. I told them there was a better place and that they would be able to see loved ones who were waiting. I explained that years had passed since the tragedy.
There was so much anger.
It came towards me like ocean waves, each wave stronger and larger than the last. The momentum was so overpowering, I finally had to leave the area to prevent me from being consumed by their despair, anger, and frustration.
Although there are yet questions surrounding this event, much has been brought out into the light of day through the internet and the research of honest and diligent people who want answers.
A simple web search will display conspiracy theories and plots to undermine the truth. We may never find all the answers but those who were there tell a very different story than the revisionists who have rewritten history in an attempt to altar those events and create a false illusion in our minds.
Those who are responsible must be held accountable for their acts of murder and terrorism.
Today as I drove towards my home, I felt these souls call out to me again to tell their story.
“I know all were acting under the orders and by the command of their church leaders; and I firmly believe that the most of those who took part in the proceedings, considered it a religious duty to unquestioningly obey the order which they had received. That they acted from a sense of duty to the Mormon Church, I never doubted. Believing that those with me acted from a sense of religious duty on that occasion, I have faithfully kept the secret of their guilt, and remained silent and true to the oath of secrecy which we took on the bloody field.”
“I am now cut off from the Church for obeying the order of my superiors, and doing so without asking questions - for doing as my religion and my religious teachers had taught me to do. I am now used by the Mormon Church as a scapegoat to carry the sins of that people.”
“ I then believed that Brigham Young spoke by direction of the God of Heaven. I would have suffered death rather than have disobeyed any command of his. I had this feeling until he betrayed and deserted me.”
“I have always believed, since that day, that General George A Smith was then visiting Southern Utah to prepare the people for the work of exterminating Captain Fancher’s train of emigrants, and I now believe that he was sent for that purpose by the direct command of Brigham Young.”
In an act of cowardliness, “It was decided by the authorities to arm the Indians, give them provisions and ammunition and send them after the emigrants, and have the Indians give them a brush, and if they killed part or all of them so much the better.”
“They met, several hundred strong, (The Indian’s) at the Meadows and attacked the emigrants Tuesday morning ... They killed seven and wounded sixteen of the emigrants.”
“On thursday, Major John M Higbee, mayor and commander of the Iron Militia, and also first councilor to Isaac C. Haight, met with fifty four whites and over three hundred indians. “It is the orders of the President that all the emigrants must be put out of the way.”
“The men then in council, I must here state, now knelt down in a prayer circle and prayed invoking the Spirit of God to direct them how to act in the matter.”
“After the prayer, Major Higbee said, “I have the evidence of God’s approval of our mission. It is God’s will that we carry out our instructions to the letter.”
“Higbee then said to me, “Brother Lee, I am ordered by President Haight to inform you that you shall receive a crown of Celestial glory for your faithfulness and your eternal joy shall be complete.” I was much shaken by this offer.”
On Friday, September 11, 1857, “I laid aside my weakness and my humanity, and became an instrument in the hand of my superiors and my leaders.”
With the words, “Do your Duty.” 120 innocent men, women, and children were slaughtered on that fateful day.
“We must now examine the bodies for valuables.”
“After the dead were covered up or buried ( but it was not much of a burial ) a council was held at the emigrant camp. All the leading men gave speeches.”
“The speeches were first - thanks to God for delivering our enemies into our hands, next, thanking the brethren for their zeal in God’s cause and then the necessity of alway saying the Indians did it alone, and that the Mormons had nothing to do with it. Most of the exhortations and commands were to keep the whole matter secret from everyone but Brigham Young. It was voted unanimously that any man who should divulge the secret, or tell who was present, or do anything that would lead to a discovery of the truth should suffer death.”
“The brethren then all took a most solemn oath, binding themselves under the most dreadful and awful penalties, to keep the whole matter secret from every human being, as long as they should live. No man was to know the facts. The brethren were sworn not to talk of it among themselves, and each one swore to help kill all who proved to be traitors to the Church or people in this matter”
The following sunday, dresses taken from the dead bodies of those killed, were worn by women who attended church. Some if the valuables were placed in the Bishops storehouse. Horses and cattle were auctioned. A few children under the age of eight were spared and put with Mormon families to be raised as their own, until authorities from the government returned them to their families in Arkansas.
I had all these things and more going through my mind when I visited the site of this tragic massacre.
It is no wonder that angry spirits are calling out to me to tell their story.
The sad part of this tragedy is that the Mormon Church continues ignore and minimize their role and the role of Brigham Young and other leaders who took part in this First September 11 attack upon innocent victims who were only on their way west to find a new life in a new land.
Wether that deceit and coverup is Political or Religious sources, the results have devastating consequences for generations to come
Wether that deceit and coverup is Political or Religious sources, the results have devastating consequences for generations to come
I continue to send my love to those victims of 9-11 who are still trapped in their anger and locked in darkness because they are unable to forgive their perpetrators and move into the light.
They are still waiting ... for closure.
The above quotes were taken from the book dictated from memory by John D. Lee, while waiting execution. “Mormonism Unveiled or Life and Confession of John D. Lee and Brigham Young.” Fierra Blanca publications, Albuquerque, NM 2001
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