Inner Beings
It is by allowing this Inner Being validity and voice that we will truly find the highest in ourselves.
Inner peace and contentment can only be part of our life when we give in to this God Self and tune all outside forces to the background.
You are here to find and develop your True Self, this is your highest goal and priority.
Set aside other values that others have placed within your being.
These will only serve those that placed them in your being.
Be true to yourself, but first find out who that self is.
Take time to find silence.
Tune out all distractions that surface.
Tune into your own spiritual light.
Set aside people and pursuits that are ego driven.
Allow you Inner Being to surface.
Listen to the wisdom.
Trust in the wisdom.
Follow the wisdom.
We did not come here to accumulate things and power.
We came here to experience and learn ways that would make our lives and the lives of those we truly love, better.
This is not our true home and this is not our final destination.
We have lived thousands upon thousands of lifetimes, not only here, but upon planets whose distant memories sometimes fill our dreams.
We have set aside our former knowledge and wisdom to experience this world in our innocent state.
We have merged our creative forces with other spiritual beings and have birthed a magnificent program that will allow us and others to transcend and surpass our original programing.
This will add to the knowledge of the Universe a unique and imaginative process to expand our own spiritual learning and that of Higher Beings.
There are many who are watching and protecting our journey here on this planet.
We are not alone.
Our spiritual family and protectors are always near. They place subtle messages and opportunities to allow us to become more.
As we learn, this knowledge expands all God Beings and expands the universe to an even greater expanse.
Do not deny your Inner Being, it is the reason you are here.
Trivial pursuits, disharmony and outer distractions are not your primary goal.
What makes your life worth living?
Is it the petty grudges and arguments that we witness each day?
Is it to pay a mortgage on a temporary possession?
We have mortgaged our lives to others who are not in harmony with our Inner Beings.
Get out of debt to anyone or any being who is living off your life force energy.
There are destructive beings who can’t survive on their own light and must steal it from those who allow it.
If you must walk away from your work, your job, your family or your home to find this Inner Being, you must do it, and do it now!
Find your inner joy once more, focus your life on achieving this highest part in you.
Trust in your Inner Being and follow the guidance and wisdom that is always ready to align you with Source Energy.
Trust in Yourself.
Believe in Yourself.
Love Yourself.
You will not be disappointed.
<3 Hugs!