Thursday, November 21, 2013

Can the needs of the few out weigh the survival of future generations?

There is in modern terms, A “clear and present danger” that looms before us.
Do we take the short sighted view and take the carrot dangling before us?
Or ... do we look at the long term consequences at what is being offered?
I choose to see what history has done before us.
Take the money and run?
Those of us who live in this area are facing some important challenges.
The lack of jobs.
The closing of schools and businesses.
Families forced to relocate because of the economy.
Loss of family farms and ranches.
Giving up pristine natural lands to an uncertain and potentially dangerous development.
Allowing outsiders to determine our future.
Watching a family oriented community potentially change into a boom town.
Can the needs of the few out weigh the survival of future generations?
We can not allow ourselves to be defined by “original families” or “new comers.”
One is not better than the other.
We all made a choice to make this place home.
We can allow our differences to tear us apart or we can learn to get along together.
This present challenge is just another example of the unresolved differences that exist in our community.
How we choose to resolve this conflict will reflect on us and the future generations that look back on history.
I am a descendant of the original founders of this town. I live in one of the first adobe homes built in this community.
I made changes to this “historic house” that some call obscene while others hail my artistic vision.
Life will always be about the choices we make.
They define us and judge us.
I am reminded of another historical event that took place not far from our community.
It has had a devastating long term consequence for not only the families of those involved, but millions of others.
There are many who still suffer from debilitating health, loss of quality of life, and even death.
I speak of the Downwinders.
They and their families face cancers, disease and death caused by shortsighted vision.
My own wife of 17 years, mother of seven children and grandmother to 18 grandchildren, died recently from a breast cancer that she contracted, because of greed and fear based on short term decisions.
She was born in Northern Arizona in the 1950’s. She attended local schools, won beauty pageants, played sports and raised a family expecting to enjoy the fruits of her efforts.
Now she is dead.
The government has admitted fault and is now paying families as a compensation for killing thousands.
Are you willing to take the money and run?
How far can you run?
How much is your family’s health worth?
How will history judge us?

I, for one know ...

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