We play music during the day and depending on who is first to the sound system, they choose the music for the day. Sometimes it is western, sometimes it is rock, sometimes it is 60’s or 70’s or easy listening.
Today it was a Roy Rogers western music station. We were singing along and laughing at one another because we all seemed to know the words.
You know ... cool, cool, water ... stuff like that.
As the day progressed I heard a different genre coming from the warehouse.
Each time I passed from the main store to the warehouse there was an area where both could be heard.
It was extremely agitating.
Both genres were pleasing to listen to individually, but when they overlapped with one another, it was unbearable.
At first I tried to ignore and pass through the zone of overlapping music but after several times, I began finding other things to occupy my time.
This experience reminded me of my personal life and the relative peace that I enjoy in my own home.
I have placed a buffer zone around me that shields me from unpleasant experiences.
I am able to maintain this zone most of the time but when I can’t, I remove myself physically or mentally.
Music and life are made up of many vibrations, we are sensitive to these vibrations and our bodies, minds and souls react to these sounds.
There are many vibrations beyond our range of hearing, but we are still affected by these energies.
Vibrations can be soothing and healing or energetic and uplifting, they can also be disruptive and destructive.
The music we choose to listen to reflects or changes our mood and sense of being.
When we allow conflicting music or vibrations to disrupt our lives, these conflicts can be harmful and dangerous to our focus and creative skills.
Today has shown me how sensitive I am to disruptive vibrations and the effect that they have on my life.
If I am unable to resolve the conflict I must either remove my self, change the situation, or at least get me some noise canceling headphones.