A secret longing lies inside each of us, success in business, fame and fortune, perhaps a secret unfulfilled love. Whatever we want, we can create the way for it to be fulfilled.
When I find myself with the same thoughts day after day, I know that if I act on those thoughts they will be made manifest.
My secret process is finding out what is drawing my attention. It may be a place or a person or an idea.
The universe is literally our playground and once we realize the power that lies within us, the possibilities are unlimited.
There are consequences to the actions we take to accomplish our dreams and longings. We must decide if the risks outweigh the benefits of our creations. As with all new life, we are responsible for the “children” we create.
I have been taught the law of attraction in many ways. The movies, The Secret, Way of the Peaceful warrior, Indigo, Avatar, Lost Horizon, and many many others have inspired me to look inside myself for the answers to life’s questions.
Finding the natural flow of life is important so that we can learn the way that is best for us.
Life is unique to each soul that is born, we are not supposed to be like anyone else and the sooner we realize that important truth the sooner that we will be able to rise to our greatest potential.
Once you learn how to see your path, you will be able to maximize your time and efforts to whatever life path you set your mind upon.
The mind is powerful. Each thought you focus upon creates powerful waves of energy that are broadcast from your being.
These thoughts seek out and attract other similar waves and are returned to you.
Whatever you choose to think will come back to you.
It is easy to watch and observe the effects of thoughts.
Do you find yourself attracting drama, poverty, accidents, or other undesirable actions? Maybe you need to be more mindful of your thoughts.
Thoughts are powerful and they create our everyday lives in a very real way.
Pollyanna is a disney movie that has influenced my life. It tells the story of a happy child who looks for the good in people. She teaches others to look for the good in life and changes the way the whole town behaves.
Positive thinking has helped me to turn my life into a dream come true.
Never doubt your ability to change your life. Find your passions and follow them, regardless of those who might try to persuade you differently.
You are your own greatest enemy or your own greatest champion.
Own your dreams, write them down, buy books and learn more about your passions. Listen to music that inspires and moves your soul. Seek others who might have similar dreams. Dare to speak aloud your dreams to others.
When you have done all of this, place yourself mentally into your dream. Feel the sensation of the wind on your face, the smell of the ocean, the sun upon your skin. Imagine how you will feel when your dream is accomplished.
Feelings are the emotions that fuel the dream.
Dare to dream big, no dream is too large that you can’t accomplish it.
My cup is full because I see it that way.
My life is happy because I see happiness wherever I go.
I am all things good because I see all things good.
How do you see yourself?
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