Where have all the bees gone?
I have an apricot tree with thousands of blossoms, it is truly a beautiful sight but there are no bees. There should be hundreds of happy bees pollinating the blossoms, but there are none. My bee hives are empty, the bees are gone. Where have all the bees gone. They are dead, killed by the gardener who was too lazy to dig out his weeds and instead used poison. They are killed by the weed and feed that was spread on the lawns to kill the weeds to make the lawns look lush and green. They were killed by the millions of cell phone users using microwaves who had to take those selfies, tweets and updates. They were killed by the geo-engineering government entities who sprayed chemtrails out of the tens of thousands of jets that fly over our heads each day. They were killed by the giant corporations like Monsanto who make billions of gallons of poison each year. They were killed by the little Escalante Home Center hardware store in my hometown of Escalante because they refused to stop selling bee killing poisons. And finally they were killed by YOU ... YOU bought and supported the products that kept those companies in business. Well ... enjoy the greens lawns which are the fruits of your labors because the fruits and vegetables that depend on bee polinatian will be missing from your produce section at the grocery store. The flowers and foods that we depend on are disappearing at an alarming rate. When will we wake up and smell the roses? Will there bee any roses? It begins and ends with YOU.
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