What is it that makes you happy?
I have most of my ducks in a row and the most pressing thing on my plate today is whether to have my second cup of coffee now or later.
What is it that makes me happy?
What is it that makes you happy?
I tried following the sparkly bobble that society said would make me happy, you know … the big house, the new car, the top position in the company, the church, or the community.
But guess what?
None of that worked for me.
The carrot trick was a lie, and is for all of us.
The only thing that can make me happy is …. well, me!
No one else can make that happen for us.
Not your companion, your children, not your work place or your church or community.
About the time I turned 40, I had had it with main stream society.
Their lies had taken its toll on me and I no longer believed their justifications and reasons of why I had to stay in their system.
Most parents are parroting their parents and mostly in ignorance pass on to their kids the same broken lies and myths that they were told.
As children we get to learn the sad truths that there is no Santa Claus, no Easter bunny, no Sand man, no Tooth fairy, and so on and so on.
And at a point in life, I began to question everything. That is where I began my trip down the rabbit hole and wholly cow, we have been lied to by every entity, leader, and teacher. We find out our heroes were made up stories, or at best, greatly exaggerated tales.
Governments are responsible for creating war machines to suck money down a black hole. Religions are no better than corporations for profit with us paying the bill and then feeling guilty for not paying more. Schools are prisons for our children where original thoughts are smothered and children programed to follow the same broken system and carrot trick. Teachers are wardens and mostly concerned with being able to mark the appropriate box with an X.
So … here I sit contemplating whether to have my second cup of coffee.
What make me happy?
I do!
When I began to delete the friends, teachers, and leaders that propagate the lies, and distance myself from neighbors and family that promote the old ways, my life became calm and my vision began to clear.
When I finally figured this out, it all became crystal clear that I have two choices each day …
Whether to be happy or not?
Not all days are happy, sometimes I get caught in the webs that are left and forget the great lesson of life.
But sooner or later my heart lets me know that I must find that inner peace within and walk my path and walk my talk.
Life is what we make of it, not what others do or say.
I get to choose what kind of life I have!
And you get to choose the kind of life you have.
I think I’ll have that second cup of coffee now …
What will you do?
Thank You! Hugs!