Sunday, September 30, 2012

No Matter where you are I will find you ...

No matter where you are I will find you ...
This past week my hometown of Escalante hosted the Escalante Canyons Art Fair. There were hundreds of people from all over the country who attended. 
Since I live across the street, I had dozens of cars parked in front of my home. 
I really don’t mind. It has been a fun week.
They are all gone now, the clean up crews have just about finished, it is back to our normal slow pace, except for one small item.
I bought a charcoal drawing from one of the artists. It is unusual for me to buy a picture, but this one caught my attention.
I stood in front of this picture for long minutes and was mesmerized by the haunting image.
I met the artist, he lives in Hawaii and comes to this area to enjoy our desert and mountain beauty.
He seemed so familiar to me, I told him and he said he felt the same about me.
I can’t say for sure why this picture touches my heart. A past memory? 
A glimpse of my future? 
I just know that this particular picture has captured my attention.
As I look around my home I can see other objects that reflect my life. The pictures, rocks, drums, feathers, shells, books, and music are me and I am them. 
They have been memories of events that have been and are yet to come. 
I am normally quiet and reserved and very few really know the real me.
If you look at the things that surround me and my home, you will get a glimpse into my life.
I met an artist this week that may be another piece of my puzzle. 
Somehow I knew her and she me. 
Part of my spiritual family on the road of life? Probably. 
Time will tell.
We talked for hours and hours.
I made another connection with a couple who have a home in here in Utah and another in Maui. They were admiring my home so I invited them in for a hot slice of homemade bread. I showed them around and gave them some organic apples and pears. 
They have a caretaker for their home in Maui but who knows what might be in my future.
A new adventure?
I hope so.
The universe has presented me with a new piece in my puzzle. I will have to do my part and hope that I will find where it fits in my life’s picture.
It may be a part of my future.
Does she represent a guardian? 
A past life? 
A lover? 
A life partner?
I often find clues like this.
It is part of my adventure.
Life’s adventure.
It has been like this for the past 20 years and I wouldn’t change a thing. 
It works for me.
On another lazy Sunday not too long ago I was sitting on my front porch having a cup of coffee. I watched a small private jet fly over my house, my inner voice said, “Get in your truck and drive out to the airport.”
I have learned to pay attention to this Wise One. 
I drove out the highway and watched as the jet came to a stop. Out jumped a woman dressed in plain clothes, there was a 4 wheel drive jeep waiting for her.
As she drove away, my voice said, 
“See how easy it would be to have someone fly into your life?” 
“Never doubt the future.” 
“We will always be close.” 
“You will never be alone.”

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Inner Beings

Inner Beings

There is an Inner Being living within each of us that is desiring to be heard. We must listen to and strive to follow this divine part of our true Self. 
It is by allowing this Inner Being validity and voice that we will truly find the highest in ourselves. 
Inner peace and contentment can only be part of our life when we give in to this God Self and tune all outside forces to the background.
You are here to find and develop your True Self, this is your highest goal and priority. 
Set aside other values that others have placed within your being. 
These will only serve those that placed them in your being.
Be true to yourself, but first find out who that self is. 
Take time to find silence.
Tune out all distractions that surface.
Tune into your own spiritual light. 
Set aside people and pursuits that are ego driven.
Allow you Inner Being to surface.
Listen to the wisdom.
Trust in the wisdom.
Follow the wisdom.
We did not come here to accumulate things and power. 
We came here to experience and learn ways that would make our lives and the lives of those we truly love, better. 
This is not our true home and this is not our final destination. 
We have lived thousands upon thousands of lifetimes, not only here, but upon planets whose distant memories sometimes fill our dreams.
We have set aside our former knowledge and wisdom to experience this world in our innocent state.
We have merged our creative forces with other spiritual beings and have birthed a magnificent program that will allow us and others to transcend and surpass our original programing. 
This will add to the knowledge of the Universe a unique and imaginative process to expand our own spiritual learning and that of Higher Beings.
There are many who are watching and protecting our journey here on this planet. 
We are not alone. 
Our spiritual family and protectors are always near. They place subtle messages and opportunities to allow us to become more.
As we learn, this knowledge expands all God Beings and expands the universe to an even greater expanse.
Do not deny your Inner Being, it is the reason you are here. 
Trivial pursuits, disharmony and outer distractions are not your primary goal.
What makes your life worth living?
Is it the petty grudges and arguments that we witness each day?
Is it to pay a mortgage on a temporary possession? 
We have mortgaged our lives to others who are not in harmony with our Inner Beings.
Get out of debt to anyone or any being who is living off your life force energy. 
There are destructive beings who can’t survive on their own light and must steal it from those who allow it.
If you must walk away from your work, your job, your family or your home to find this Inner Being, you must do it, and do it now!
Find your inner joy once more, focus your life on achieving this highest part in you. 
Trust in your Inner Being and follow the guidance and wisdom that is always ready to align you with Source Energy.
Trust in Yourself.
Believe in Yourself.
Love Yourself.
You will not be disappointed.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

September Dawn 1857

I speak for the trapped souls who were killed in the September 11 tragedy.
It has always been better for me to see a place first hand so that I can see and experience for myself. The horrendous and violent act of cowards were responsible for these deaths.
This trip had been on my mind for a long time and I knew that the time was right for me to visit the site.
It was a sunny day and the sky was clear the day that I arrived. I parked my truck in the parking lot next to the monument and made my way along the sidewalk until I reached the place where they died.
I silently read the words on the sign and stood there for long moments thinking about those who had died on this spot. I walked around the monument listening, waiting, wondering. What kind of people would do such an act of slaughter?
It was at that moment that I heard them.
There were many voices speaking at once.
I could feel the anger and the betrayal that these souls had experienced.
I tried talking to them, to comfort them, to encourage them, to move on through the tunnel and into the light. I told them there was a better place and that they would be able to see loved ones who were waiting. I explained that years had passed since the tragedy.
There was so much anger.
It came towards me like ocean waves, each wave stronger and larger than the last. The momentum was so overpowering, I finally had to leave the area to prevent me from being consumed by their despair, anger, and frustration. 
Although there are yet questions surrounding this event, much has been brought out into the light of day through the internet and the research of honest and diligent people who want answers.
A simple web search will display conspiracy theories and plots to undermine the truth. We may never find all the answers but those who were there tell a very different story than the revisionists who have rewritten history in an attempt to altar those events and create a false illusion in our minds.
Those who are responsible must be held accountable for their acts of murder and terrorism. 
Today as I drove towards my home, I felt these souls call out to me again to tell their story.

“I know all were acting under the orders and by the command of their church leaders; and I firmly believe that the most of those who took part in the proceedings, considered it a religious duty to unquestioningly obey the order which they had received. That they acted from a sense of duty to the Mormon Church, I never doubted. Believing that those with me acted from a sense of religious duty on that occasion, I have faithfully kept the secret of their guilt, and remained silent and true to the oath of secrecy which we took on the bloody field.” 
“I am now cut off from the Church for obeying the order of my superiors, and doing so without asking questions - for doing as my religion and my religious teachers had taught me to do. I am now used by the Mormon Church as a scapegoat to carry the sins of that people.”
“ I then believed that Brigham Young spoke by direction of the God of Heaven. I would have suffered death rather than have disobeyed any command of his. I had this feeling until he betrayed and deserted me.” 
“I have always believed, since that day, that General George A Smith was then visiting Southern Utah to prepare the people for the work of exterminating Captain Fancher’s train of emigrants, and I now believe that he was sent for that purpose by the direct command of Brigham Young.”
In an act of cowardliness, “It was decided by the authorities to arm the Indians, give them provisions and ammunition and send them after the emigrants, and have the Indians give them a brush, and if they killed part or all of them so much the better.”
“They met, several hundred strong, (The Indian’s) at the Meadows and attacked the emigrants Tuesday morning ... They killed seven and wounded sixteen of the emigrants.”
“On thursday, Major John M Higbee, mayor and commander of the Iron Militia, and also first councilor to Isaac C. Haight, met with fifty four whites and over three hundred indians. “It is the orders of the President that all the emigrants must be put out of the way.”
“The men then in council, I must here state, now knelt down in a prayer circle and prayed invoking the Spirit of God to direct them how to act in the matter.”
“After the prayer, Major Higbee said, “I have the evidence of God’s approval of our mission. It is God’s will that we carry out our instructions to the letter.”
“Higbee then said to me, “Brother Lee, I am ordered by President Haight to inform you that you shall receive a crown of Celestial glory for your faithfulness and your eternal joy shall be complete.” I was much shaken by this offer.”
On Friday, September 11, 1857, “I laid aside my weakness and my humanity, and became an instrument in the hand of my superiors and my leaders.”
With the words, “Do your Duty.” 120 innocent men, women, and children were slaughtered on that fateful day.
“We must now examine the bodies for valuables.”
“After the dead were covered up or buried ( but it was not much of a burial ) a council was held at the emigrant camp. All the leading men gave speeches.” 
“The speeches were first - thanks to God for delivering our enemies into our hands, next, thanking the brethren for their zeal in God’s cause and then the necessity of alway saying the Indians did it alone, and that the Mormons had nothing to do with it. Most of the exhortations and commands were to keep the whole matter secret from everyone but Brigham Young. It was voted unanimously that any man who should divulge the secret, or tell who was present, or do anything that would lead to a discovery of the truth should suffer death.”
“The brethren then all took a most solemn oath, binding themselves under the most dreadful and awful penalties, to keep the whole matter secret from every human being, as long as they should live. No man was to know the facts. The brethren were sworn not to talk of it among themselves, and each one swore to help kill all who proved to be traitors to the Church or people in this matter”
The following sunday, dresses taken from the dead bodies of those killed, were worn by women who attended church. Some if the valuables were placed in the Bishops storehouse. Horses and cattle were auctioned. A few children under the age of eight were spared and put with Mormon families to be raised as their own, until authorities from the government returned them to their families in Arkansas.
I had all these things and more going through my mind when I visited the site of this tragic massacre.
It is no wonder that angry spirits are calling out to me to tell their story.
The sad part of this tragedy is that the Mormon Church continues ignore and minimize their role and the role of Brigham Young and other leaders who took part in this First September 11 attack upon innocent victims who were only on their way west to find a new life in a new land.
     Wether that deceit and coverup is Political or Religious sources, the results have devastating consequences for generations to come
I continue to send my love to those victims of 9-11 who are still trapped in their anger and locked in darkness because they are unable to forgive their perpetrators and move into the light. 
       They are still waiting ... for closure.
The above quotes were taken from the book dictated from memory by John D. Lee, while waiting execution. “Mormonism Unveiled or Life and Confession of John D. Lee and Brigham Young.” Fierra Blanca publications, Albuquerque, NM 2001

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Unseen visitors

Unseen visitors

I went to visit a friend today who is recovering from knee surgery. It was a surprise visit for her but I had decided to visit her several days ago.
It was one of those feelings that let me know that this was important. 
I went there to cheer her up and offer some words of comfort. 
As we talked I gained an appreciation of her struggles and triumphs. I went to share some ideas about positive thinking and healing techniques.
I was pleasantly surprised to find she had already discovered some of the same things that had helped me.
She shared with me and I her. It was an enjoyable visit for me. 
I had an unexpected gift given to me while we were talking.
In reaching out to give some cheer, it was me who became the beneficiary of our visit.
It was a further witness of my choice to follow my heart. 
It is these kind of moments that make my life richer and full.
There were other visitors in the room today.  I didn’t know most of them, but they seemed familiar. 
The visitors that joined us today in that room were unseen. 
I am often accompanied by unseen visitors. They are interested in our lives and in our desires. We don’t always notice them or acknowledge them, but that doesn’t deter them from comforting us or protecting us in our times of need.
My gift came at a time when I needed reassurance in my resolve to follow my heart. My guides seem to know me well.
They are family members who have passed on, familiar souls, and a spouse who has agreed to keep an eye on my earthly experiences. There are also animal guides, totems and aumakua who let me know they are ready to help. 
Today there were guides from both of us. The room seemed a bit crowded and yet I felt that comforting reassurance that all was as it should be.
I like these kind of spontaneous experiences that give me the hope of a better day, a better world, and a brighter future.
We are not alone. Even when we are the one who have withdrawn from our spiritual helpers, they are always with us. 
Mostly in the background of our busy lives and complicated schedules, we have given them permission to get our attention and get us back on our life course. In the event that we waver from our path, they have the ability to get our attention by allowing accidents or life changing events to occur that redirect our focus.
I try to pay attention to the subtle hints that come my way, because I know that stronger more dramatic events are there to align my path, a path that I created and chose before I came into this incarnation.
My gift today was accompanied by a familiar feeling that usually is focused on my heart chakra. Today it also came with an emotional response from me, one that I can’t mask. I will use this gift to continue my journey, it will help me to recognize others who are on this spiritual path, ones that I have a connection to, and them to me.
My gift is yours, if you will receive it.
The eyes.
Look deeply into another’s eye’s and you will know ...