The dreams of the night have reminded me of my part in the greater universe.
We are not alone, we are part of a vast plan to allow us an opportunity to grow.
There are so many possibilities, within each of us is the ability to reconnect to the source of all knowledge.
Who are you really?
What are you capable of accomplishing?
Do you know your true power?
There are moments in every persons life when he glimpses the eternal part of himself.
These are the defining parts of ourself that can lift us out of the everyday hum drum life that we have been taught to believe in.
Every action, every thought, every random whim affects the rest of our world.
We are creators, we create our everyday world. The world that we live in.
When we stop to help those in need and lift them up, we lift ourselves up. Each person who we cut off on the freeway to save ourselves a few minutes on our daily commute will come back and cause a traffic jam in our life.
The windows of time and space are open and this world is but one of countless worlds that have been created to allow us a chance to be part of a greater whole.
Our knowledge and experiences are relayed back to our Father/Mother God and the entire company of Heaven benefits from this agreement.
Do not be taken in by the perpetrators of false teachings. Those who would tell you that they have the only way. There are countless opportunities and paths that will lead you on a journey and path that will astound and surprise you.
Believe in yourself, You are a God and therefore capable of anything that you set your heart on.
What is it that you want out of life?
Create it!
Only you, yourself can limit your possibilities.
Those who are controlling the media, religions and government are terrified of your potential. These are little men and women who have forgotten that there is enough for all.
Break free and shine!
Never fear, you have the company of departed family, friends and angels to show you the way.
Listen ... can you hear them.
Turn off the TV
Shut off the noise and distractions.
These are not the things that matter.
Look at your friends and family, those that form your support group. Do they truly lift you up to a higher place. Do they inspire you to want to become more?
If not, separate from them. You will find those who are compatible with your walk in life.
There is more!
There is always a choice!
Listen to the inner part of your magnificent higher Being.
You are never alone.
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