I look at pain differently now. I used to pop an Advil or an Excedrin, and write it off as the cost of living. I would go to the doctor and rely on his diagnosis and treatment.
When life was getting me down and I was blaming everyone else for my problems I had pain more often. Physical and emotional pain.
I got to a point where I was unable to find relief for the pains that I experienced. This was around the time that I was shouting at God in the field to make life better for me.
I was introduced to a book by a wise friend who told me that it was helping her to solve her pains. I was ready for that book, I was tired of hurting. I began to read, it was an approach that I hadn’t thought of before. It was not western medicine, but came from a holistic way of looking at myself.
The book is called, “Feelings Buried Alive Never Die...” The author is Karol K. Truman. I didn’t like what I read. Pain and disease comes from my self? I wasn’t ready to hear that.
More Excedrin.
The problem with Excedrin is that it works for a while and then it doesn’t. I was taking 6 or 8 at a time to get rid of my headaches and it wasn’t working any more.
Living in rural Kansas before internet access, I would go to the library and use their computers. While reading about pain and headaches, I came across an article about rebound headaches and possible causes. It told me that Excedrin has caused headaches and you should avoid regular use. Hmm?
That article was linked to another and another until I came across one called Western Medicine. As I read I was amazed to learn the origins and the treatments. Western Medicine was modeled after the German Model of Health. What is that? It has taken me through many books to understand more about our mode of Western Medicine. Western Medicine developed out of the experimentation in Nazi Germany and the concentration camps. Drugs, Pharmaceuticals, torture, and death. It was not easy reading. Our government promised amnesty to those Doctors who would share the results of their work. They were offered new lives and brought to America.
Some of their treatments work, at least for a while. Many of our doctors are now the modern distributers of legal drugs. Drug Pushers. When the evening news airs each day, you can be assured that it will be brought to you by the latest drugs and endorsed by doctors who are waiting for you to ask them about getting those new drugs.
A Few years ago a book was being promoted on TV, one of those infomercials that lasts for 30 minutes. I watched those 30 captivating minutes and then ordered the book. Kevin Trudeau, Natural Cures “THEY” Don’t want you to know About.
If you tell me not to do something, you can be assured that I am going to find out more about what you don’t want me to know. Kevin Trudeau tells about age old methods that have been used to cure disease and cancer. He names items that cause sickness, items that most of us use every day.
I have used these two books to help me find answers when I have pain. They are a starting place for me to find clues for my own self-treatment. Whether that pain is internal or external, I can usually find the cause and most often that cause is me.
It is not always easy to look at myself as being the cause of my problems, but I have found that to find a cure for my dis-ease, I must find the reason for it from within myself. I can choose to treat the symptoms or I can choose to treat the cause.
Western Medicine has its place. There are amazing advances being made by honest and integral doctors.
I have a doctor client who has hired me to do work in his home. He is a family doctor, he likes to run and bike and competes in marathons. I asked him about the drugs and his treatments. He told me that when he offers alternative treatment options for patients, that many turn him down. They would rather have a drug to treat a symptom, than to make the effort to change their life style or diet. He has to prescribe the only option left. Drugs.
I looked up neck pain in my books, it is a place for me to start looking for answers, internal answers.
“Moving under pressure” - Hmm, maybe ...
“Want to let feelings out but don’t dare” - Hmm, I working on that ...
“Inflexible state of mind” - Hmm, I hope I have dealt with that ...
“Not wanting to yield to opinions you think are wrong” - Hmm, probably ...
“Non-acceptance and rejection of others” - Hmm, a childhood fear ...
Possible treatments -
Look within ................Hmm?
Or -
Treat the outer - with
Massage Therapy
The choice is always up to us.
Do I want to treat the real cause or medicate the symptom?
Today I will look within, to make sure I have done all that I can from the internal part of myself. Then I will use some peppermint oil with a percussion massager. When my massage therapist reads this, she will know that I will soon be calling for another hands on treatment. Sometimes it is necessary to have someone give a helping hand to discover the cause of our symptoms.
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