Bouncing Babies
One of the men pronounces a blessing on the child and then it is over.
Except for the pose. That’s where the proud family hold the child up to let everyone see the newest member of the congregation. Inexperienced fathers sometimes fumble and come close to dropping the newborn. Today was perfect. No fumbles. This baby was beautiful, but some are hard to hold a straight face when the pose is done.
The rest of the meeting consisted of various members of the audience sharing stories or memories of experiences that they have encountered in life. Todays meeting was a good occasion. A time for family’s to bond, celebrate, and give thanks for life and the blessings they have received.
I have been in other ceremonies where fathers present their newborn to the heavens and the Gods to ask for blessings and wisdom to help that child become the man or woman that he is meant to be.
We look at the cultural differences between our traditions and others and we are not always kind in our observations. We assume that God only recognizes the actions of a modern society. Our society. Backwards countries and cultures who do rituals and ceremonies to worship their God are frowned upon by enlightened people.
I felt the tender feelings today in that meeting. People of faith. Full of hope in the future. Hard working men and women who are providing for the needs of these newborn babies. Each wanting to provide the best that life has to offer.
Did God accept this newborn? Does he love any of his children any less if they don’t experience the bounce? Or the pose? Thank God, for understanding our weaknesses and faults. God allows us to grow and develop into the magnificent Sons and Daughters that we are. At the end of our days, he welcomes all his children back into his arms. No judgements. No requirements. It doesn’t matter whether or not they get the bounce and the pose. We will all be welcomed into his arms.
Today I saw an old friend. She was part of the program. Part of my life at one time. She shared her experience of life. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her. There was a time when she wrote letters of encouragement to me. That was during my 2 year assignment to Boston. Her beautiful long red hair was now short. She looked as beautiful today as I remembered her back then, and I am grateful for those letters so many years ago. She helped to make me who I am today. We choose different paths nearly 40 years ago. We have experienced different ceremonies and witnessed different rituals in our paths. It doesn’t matter to me. It doesn’t matter to God. We will experience the same loving Father when our journey is completed. That’s what family’s are all about. Living together in peace and harmony regardless of our bounce or pose.
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