Saturday, December 10, 2011

Orange and gold

The orange and golds of autumn remind me of harvest time, an end to the growing season, a time to prepare for winter. I watch as the days gets shorter. We put away our garden tools and prepare to come indoors for the winter. We shut down our gardens and prepare to live off the bounties of our harvest. Our reward for hard work and careful efforts. 
I am reminded of how our lives also reflect the yearly cycles. We plant, we nurture and watch over our gardens, removing weeds that might reduce our harvest, fertilize and work the soil. We watch as our gardens grow and thrive. At the height of the growing season we begin to wonder if we have planted enough to last us through hard times. Sometimes we plant more and more, hoping to get a little more for the future. Then we begin to harvest our gardens, our investments. We place them into secure places, watching as the fruits of our labor begin to grow ever larger. We hope that we have enough, and we prepare to live out the winter of our lives. Worry and uncertainty in life sometimes causes us to place more than enough into our retirement, making sure that we will have enough to last through our winter. 
My favorite color is green. Green reminds me of growth, new life, anticipation of new things ahead to see and discover. I am energized by the sunlight and the abundance of life all around me. The warm breezes and the gentle rains of summer ensure that there is enough for all. Nature does not struggle, there is balance everywhere. 
I worked in Albuquerque New Mexico for a few years. They were good years and I was able to work with many good people. Most of my clients were retired or close to retiring. I had many wonderful conversations with my clients and over the years they became my friends. We talked of life and death, our successes, failures, taxes, wars and life. One day as I was doing a project for one of my client friends, he remarked to me; Gary, I have worked all my life to get enough money to retire in comfort. I have spent much of my life preparing for this time. Oh, how I wished I would have done things differently. I have all the money I need to live, but I waited to long to really enjoy it. My health is poor and most of my time now is spent going to doctors trying to feel better. I worked so hard in life that I didn’t take the time to enjoy the beautiful things that life had to offer. 
I have thought about the words of that friend and been grateful that I have been able to stop and smell the roses in my life, to discover the beauty and peace of nature. I am energized by the miracle of life and trust that all will be in balance as I walk through the seasons of my life. I am continually planting and nurturing my garden, trusting that there will always be enough.  
Green is my favorite color, reminding me of growth and new life ahead, anticipation and abundance in balance, warm breezes and gentle rains. Blessings to all ...

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