Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sharing my inner child

I have been inspired by many of you, my friends, to share my thoughts and feelings. It is a risky venture to open our hearts and share the tender parts of our selves. We face rejection and ridicule from the very ones who should be helping us the most. Much of the outside society teaches us to be hardened and suspicious of our neighbors and even our families. The world has been wrong in doing this and it has created a society of paranoid and fearful people who build up walls to protect them. They not only build walls, but install alarm systems to warn them of anyone who violates their private space. 
Childhood and adolescence is a time when we explore and discover who we are and what we are capable of doing. Our school experience exposes us to a whole new set of rules, many of which are designed to control our creativity. We are taught what is acceptable, and we are punished when that creativity is outside the standards of society. We learn quickly and find which bring rewards and those which bring punishment. 
The times of my life when I struggled most were when I denied my creative and feeling nature. I did not like my formal schools. They were too harsh and judgmental to my nature. I have always had the ability to excel in this artificial world and knew how to please my teachers, but my inner child would not comply to the artificial rules and standards set by insensitive and preprogramed instructors. It was in this environment that I began to shut down and deny my true nature. I rebelled. I rebelled in the only way I could. I withdrew from the outside world and many might say that I was moody, quiet, and difficult to understand.
Inside I was feelings confusion and I struggled with conformity. My spiritual side wanted to express my feeling side and develop my true talents, but the outside world did not teach me how to be that person and I was unable to develop my inner child.
It has taken me many years to come to this place of the heart. A place where I not longer fear my true nature. I have had much help to get here. You my friends and family who have stood by my side and encouraged me, my heavenly guides who have whispered to me all my life, you are the real inspiration that has helped me accept and develop my true nature. It is a fulfilling reward to finally realize I AM God’s greatest gift. We all are. We have been given the greatest gift of God to be able to come to this place of learning, this world of experiences. We are not only children of our Loving Father and Mother in heaven, but we are God’s in our very essence and nature. There is no thing and no one who can hinder our experience but our own self.
It has been a healing experience for me to share with you. I also wonder how many out in the world deny their very divinity. The outside world is a harsh teacher, but the inner child in each of us deserves to be let out and given the ability to develop and grow into that magnificent being that we truly are.
Take down the fences around our hearts, turn off the alarm systems and open the windows to life again. Discover who you really are ...
The God in me recognizes the God in you ... Namaste

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