Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sticks and stones

Sticks and Stones
Soldiering ... sadly, a fact of life for many. We all have family who are part of the latest war or know someone who is. History has recorded hundreds and thousands of wars over the life span of this earth. It has taken its toll on millions of innocent people. People like us who get caught between two or more unhappy people out on the playground. 
Remember Recess? One of the happiest memories of my early school experience. I waited patiently for recess each day. It was a time to run and play with our friends, throwing balls and taking turns on the swing. Occasionally there would be arguments over the rules or whose turn it was on the tricky bars, but we all managed to have a good time. I only remember a few fights that happened at recess. The teacher would stop it and make them shake hands. It was over as quickly as it started. I miss recess, playing without a care in the world, running as fast as the wind and flying high into the sky on my swing.
“Wars and rumors of Wars” Quote’s right out of the Bible. Ever wondered why? I have. Big boys bullying the smaller boys? Probably. A difference of whose rules are followed in the game. 
On the playground or in life we sometimes find ourselves on opposing sides. Usually because of our lack of information.
I have mixed feelings about schools. Schools teach basic’s but also teach the current values of the people. These values are provided by well meaning adults who feel they must pass on their attitudes to the younger generation. Text books are carefully chosen to teach these current attitudes. These books are constantly under revue and are changed according to the latest leaders and policies. Books are useful when they contain an unbiased account of events, but that is a problem with most books. They only contain a partial account, one that usually favors the ruling class. 
Have you ever witnessed a book burning? This is what happens when people want to change the rules of the game. They write new books with new rules. Rules that favor them. It happens every time one civilization conquers another. If that opposing knowledge is contained in the people, then those people are killed. If it is contained in a book, the book is burned.
Remember Nazi Germany and the book burnings?
I watched a movie called Fahrenheit 451, based on a book by the same name, written by Ray Bradbury. It tells the tale of humanity’s failure to get along on the playground.
In 1992 a book was published by Charles Larson. It was an account of an ancient manuscript written on papyrus. It was given freely to thousands of people in Provo, Utah. It did not support the current attitudes of the leaders and was gathered up and Shredded. That’s how we get rid of unwanted information now. I wondered why the book was banned and bought a copy and read it. It has some wonderful insights and information. Full color photos of the original papyrus. I found another account of the papyrus story, this was written by the church in Utah. It took me years to locate an original copy. I found it in my own attic. It was written by the leading authorities on the subject, endorsed by the church. In the January 1968 issue of The Improvement Era, the authorized version is introduced. Over the next months, a continuing story unfolds to the readers. This version is sadly lacking in a full accounting and was never finished. A shredding of the book by Charles Larson took place to favor the current attitudes.
I don’t watch the evening news very often, it is filled with the arguments of bullies on the playground. It focuses on the sensational events of the day and creates a biased account to favor one side or the other.
When I turned 18, the Vietnam war was going on. The current bullies were choosing up sides and wanted me to be on their team. Fortunately for me, I was 268th on their list and was never put in that game. Good thing too, Canada was looking like a place I might have to visit for a while. 
Over the years and I have been saddened at all the people who volunteer to fight in someone else's war. 
The bullies and old men start wars, let them fight their own wars.  Refuse to fight for the bullies and old men.
I salute those soldiers who take on the bullies of the World. These are the real hero’s of any playground. 
Words are the real weapons of any war. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will always heal them.

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